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Zoeys P.O.V

"Come on mendiga you have to get stronger!"

Kloey was yelling at Zoey while she ran 100 laps around a school.

"Come on! Is that all you got?!"

"How is this gonna make me stronger?!"

"I need to see how far you can go before you're useless."

"Wow thanks for being nice about it."

"Listen about Dante."

"What about him?"

"Do you think he can really win?"

"Honestly, I don't expect him too. He's going against the full power of the devil. If he loses I'll understand if he wins then we live our lives together."

"So why do you wanna train? You're not gonna fight."

"I don't want to be a burden on him. I don't want him to worry about me while he's on the battle field. I don't want to be useless.."

Zoey looked up to the setting sun and just thought to herself.
I want to be as strong as he is..

"Well if that's why then I'll help you."

"I appreciate it."

"Lets head into town. We need some supplies."

"Sure thing."

They talked about what the strategy was if they see an enemies. But no one said anything too major about the actual battle. They got to the shop and looked around. Zoey went to look at the hats by the window when she saw the last person in the world she wanted see. She saw Skylar.

"Hey, Zoey."

"H-hey, Skylar."

"What are you doing here?"

"Just getting some food."

"Is uh Dante with you?"

Skylar looked around behind her hoping to see Dante somewhere.

"No. He's at home."

"Oh. That's too bad. I wanted to talk to him about something."

"Do you want me to tell him?"

"No no its ok."

Zoey looked closely at her and opened her eyes to true sight.
Her colors are odd. Shes dark but has some clean blue here and there. But I can't allow her to get close to Dante.. She might take him from me.

"I'll see you around, Zoey."

"Wait." Zoey grabbed her wrist and looked her dead in the eye.



Her body was shaking like never before. Like if she said the wrong word it would set hell loose.

"Excuse me?"

"I said.. D-Dante's mine n-now.. "

" Listen I've been trying to be nice to you but I'm done being nice. Dante is only with you cause I made a mistake and made out with some jock. So don't don't give me that shit that he's yours. Because I bet you want him just so you can go from some weird ass emo girl to some top shit popular beauty queen."

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