Our Crazy Life

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-My Story- (Its a bit long you don't have to read the extra stuff if you don't want too)

I live in Seoul with my older sister Rose' and my older brother BamBam (I was born in 98) I am studying Photography and I'm a soon-to-be manager at a Clothing store to help pay for my college tuition. My squad is Jin and Jimin, they are the ones who I go to if I need advice or I'm having guy troubles we have been friends for 4 years but my ultimate best friend is V we've been friends for as long as I can remember we've been through everything together and nothing could possibly ever separate us, although I didn't know he had feelings for me, feelings in which I did not return for I had feelings for his other friend Jungkook.

Suga who is nothing more than a classmate to me, would ALWAYS help me with my homework, I never understood why but it was nice to have some help, his friend J-Hope who is also my friend always teases me about Suga helping me with my work saying that he has a crush on me, I say no since I have feelings for Jungkook.One day I asked Jungkook out but he rejected me, he already had a girlfriend. I went to V and I cried in his arms he told me that everything was okay and that he knew what I was going through because he went through the same thing. I found out later that Jungkook's girlfriend is Jessi, I never knew her very well but she hates my guts all because I have feelings for Jungkook and that makes her jealous of me, making her see me as a rival, I avoid her and Jungkook the best that I can.

Suga out of the blue invites me to prom, and I say yes, I go with him to prom and we were both having a great time and were voted Prom King and Queen, it was the best moment of my life (except for when Jin spilled Punch on me, I shouldn't have worn white) Suga drives me home that night. I smile and watch him drive away. I go inside my house and I'm greeted by BamBam and Rose' who asks me how my night went. I told him it was the best night ever. When Rose' asked me what the stain on my dress was, I told her that Jin spilled punch on me, then BamBam said that I shouldn't have worn a white dress. We all laugh then go to bed.

Soon I go to university and my roommate is J-Hope, I still work in management and everything is going fine. V is my Co-Worker but he no longer feels the way he felt when we were in highschool. One day while I was working I see Jin at the corner of my eyes, I haven't seen him since Prom night. I approach him and ask him how he's been, he told me he was engaged and I silently cheer and congratulate him then I tell him that I have to return to work or I could get in trouble. He nods his head and bids his farewell and leaves. After work, J-Hope askes me out on what I think is a date to the carnival. We had a lot of fun I got scared by a freaky looking clown and ran into J-hopes arms. He holds me close as I bury my face into his chest I pull away from him and we look into each others eyes, I get nervous and look away, then he grabs my chin and brings his lips to mine. I pull away after a minute blushing and I suggest going home. 2 months later I ran into Suga while I was out on a jog one late afternoon. I invite him to my house to watch movies, I didn't think we were going to end up sleeping together but we did. The next morning Suga leaves and J-Hope comes home from his overnight shift and goes straight to bed. I was to afraid to tell him what happened between me and Suga, then 3 weeks later I found out I was Pregnant. I had to tell him, it shouldn't be so hard, its not like were dating anyways so I told him, he wasn't mad like I though he was going to be he said that he will help me in anyway that he can. I eventually go out with my neighbor from my childhood Namjoon. He didn't care that I was pregnant with someone elses kid. He loved me regardless, he and J-Hope were even in the delivery room with me and I gave birth to a Son. Namjoon eventually became more obsessed with work than me and my Son so I did something that would never be okay under any circumstances. I slept with someone else, Mingyu from seventeen. Namjoon found out and was furious he said he never wanted to see me or my son again and stormed out of the house, I knew I made a mistake and I cried and J-Hope comforted me.

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