Sour Patch Kids

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Third pov

"Well Hinata has to take care of his little sister last minute." Kageyama frowned at his phone while telling Kuroo.

"Kenma forgot he set up an appointment for his cat which he can't cancel." Kuroo told the slightly shorter male, as they stood in front of the movie theater's entrance.

"Should we just watch it by ourselves?" Kageyama wasn't prepared to not have the sociable orange top with him and didn't know how to interact with Kuroo too well but nodded.

They had only really talked with other people around and in the conversation as well. Kuroo didn't want to make the first year too uncomfortable but had been looking forward to the movie for a while.

"Alright then, let's get some snacks." Kuroo took out his wallet.

They had exactly thirty minutes before the pre-views even began because they didn't want to take any chances on being late.

"So what drink do you want?" Kuroo only knew little about Kageyama.

"I can pay for my coke and Swedish Fish." Kageyama affirmed.

"Swedish Fish?" Kuroo cackled.

"Those stuff don't taste good at all. They're like rubber." Kuroo told Kageyama.

"No. I enjoy them." Kageyama stated and Kuroo deadpanned.

"Oh. You're serious. Look, I'll get you something better than Swedish Fish. Just give me enough for your coke." Kuroo held his hand out and Kageyama passed him enough yen for a large coke.

"I'll take one large coke, one large blueberry slushy, and two packs of Sour Patch Kids." Kuroo got the drinks and candy.

"This is the only movie theater I know that sells these American snacks. Their sour gummies. Much better than rubber." Kuroo handed him his drink and a pack of Sour Patch Kids.

"Ok, thank you." Kageyama opened the pack and grabbed one. He made a face which Kuroo found cute.

"Sour." Kageyama stated as he drank some of his coke.

"That's what they're called." Kuroo laughed.

"Since we have some time, why don't we get to know each other better?" Kuroo suggested.

"Sure." Kageyama shrugged and ate another Sour Patch kid.

"Well we already know our volleyball stats so what's your favorite color?" Kuroo started.

"Black." Kageyama gave his one worded answer.

Kuroo understood he may have to try harder to get out of this one worded answer cycle.

"Ok. Favorite animal?"

"Animals don't like me." Kageyama frowned and grabbed a couple more of the sour candy.

"Really? Why's that?"

"Well, all dogs bark at me or run away, cats hiss at me, birds keep stabbing me with their beaks, and once a squirrel threw an acorn at me." Kageyama scoffed and silently cursed the squirrel he now calls Boke Hinata #2.

Kuroo let out a loud laugh.

"You just haven't met my cat. She's the sweetest thing ever. She enjoys the sun and lets anyone go near her and pet her." Kuroo informed the other raven head who ate more of the Sour Patch Kids.

"I don't believe you. Animals just don't like me." Kageyama shook his head.

"If my cat doesn't like you... then I'll buy you another Sour Patch since it seems you finished yours, and if my cat does like you I'll still buy you a pack. It's a win-win."

"How will you prove your cat likes me?" Kageyama questioned.

"I guess you'll have to come over and find out." Kuroo sipped some of his own coke as Kageyama's face went from stoic to surprised.

"Ok then."

"Great." It went back to silence for a couple minutes before Kuroo decided to ask more questions.

They talked for about twenty minutes before they went into their designated movie room.

During the movie Kuroo couldn't help but look at Kageyama's hands as they reached over to grab some Sour Patch Kids from Kuroo's pack every now and then. And you couldn't blame Kageyama from taking small glances at the older male's face.

Once the movie finished they walked out as the sun began to set.

"You took the bus right?" Kuroo asked and Kageyama nodded.

"Ok well my car is parked over there. I'll bring it over." Kuroo began his walk to the car. He noticed how chilly it had gotten when they were inside and remembered what Kageyama was wearing and got a sweater from his trunk.

"Here. Put this on." He gave Kageyama the sweater.

"Thank you." Kageyama pulled the hoodie on and got in the car. The red hoodie was a bit big on him but didn't mind.

They talked about the movie on the way to Kuroo's place and slowly talked upon other subjects before pulling into the driveway.

"Pardon for the intrusion." Kageyama slipped his shoes off.

"Don't worry, my folks are out for the week." Kuroo pat Kageyama's shoulder.

"Want something to drink?"

"Do you have any milk?" Kageyama gave a small smile when Kuroo nodded.

Kageyama sat at the island table in the middle of the kitchen and enjoyed his glass of milk.

"Let me bring down Mai." Kuroo went up to his room to grab the cat.

Kageyama finished his milk and took a deep breath. He brought the collar of the hoodie towards his nose and inhaled the sweet coconut smell.

"Ok Mai." Kuroo came down and Kageyama let go of the hoodie.

"I'll put her on the chair and you can pet her." Kuroo set down Mai and Kageyama let his hand wander above her head.

"Go ahead." Kuroo encouraged.

"Woah." Kageyama's eyes widened as the cat let him rub her head. She made a purr sound and he couldn't hold back a big smile.

"Guess I owe you Sour Patch Kids." Kuroo couldn't help but laugh. 

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