Kasadie the Kitten of Death

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"Wake up." I hear a voice say sternly. I slowly regained my consciousness that I had apparently lost at some point.

   I went to stretch my arms but found they were bound behind my back. This startled me back to full consciousness. My eyes sprang open but all I could see was dark cloth covering my eyes. That scared the living shit out of me so I tried to scream but in came out muffled...my mouth must have been covered too.

    I tried to stand but found myself bound to a chair. The only thing I could thing was how in the hell had I gotten myself into this one?

   I shook my hands trying to activate the spring blades on my wrists but nothing happened. I didn't worry too much. I could have just slipped some other kind of knife from my hoodie's sleeves. It wasn't until I realized my hoodie was missing that sheer panic coursed through my veins and I started to hyperventilate. I struggled against my bonds.

   "Quit that!" The same female voice from before snapped. I felt a hand on my shoulder and my chair was violently shoved over. "Now where are the others?" she demanded as she pulled the cover from my mouth.

   I guessed she was expecting a terrified stereotype hostage answer...so I gave her the opposite "I don't even know how I got here or what I was doing before this...and you expect me to know what you're talking about...how?" 

   She didn't like that answer.

   Her reaction was a kick in the face and I woke back up some time later. This time I skipped the whole panic thing this time and let out a muffled groan. My mouth was covered again. "Alright, Nikki, I'm going to ask you again. Where are the others?" She pulled the cover away from my moth again.

   I sighed. Since I couldn't see anything it made it hard to come up with names to call her. "Alright, Chick, first of all who are you and second of all how do you know me?"

   "Goddamn it you really are stubborn aren't you?" She asked, "You know originally you came to kill me. I guess I hit you hard enough....I know your one of Slender's Proxies or some shit and the others are probably trying to find you by about two days ago so when they get here you better tell them to fuck off or you are going to die."

    It all came back to me suddenly...a girl with white hair and gray eyes. She was wearing a black and red hoodie with...cat ears...getting hit with a pipe...I was sent to bring her to Slender Mansion. "Oh so your Kasadie." I said. "I shall call you Kasadie the Kitten of Death. And it has been how long since we met?"

   "About three days." She said. "I doubt they're going to find us." she stood my chair back up and took off my blind fold. "So why'd the infamous Slenderman send you to kill me?"

    "He didn't." I said, "He sent me to bring you to Slender Mansion to be a proxy."

   "And I believe that bullshit." She sighed.

    "I'm not kidding." I said, "I promise."

    She ignored me, "So what happened to your eyes?"

    I rolled my eyes. "Left one was an accident my brother has the same ones. Right one was a cinder block to the face."

    "You have a brother?" she asked.

    "A twin."

    "Oh god is he obsessed with knives too." That's when I noticed the slashes on her arms and side.

   "Sorry...you must have triggered my self defense..." I said, "and no, he has spiked knuckles." yay for conversation...now maybe she'd let me go.

   She nodded and we heard a voice from somewhere outside. "Nikki? Nikki, is that you?" It was Jeff's voice.

   "Of course it's her you idiot." That was Lilly.

     "Oh shut up." That was Hoodie.

   Kasadie's eyes widened and she looked at me, "I'm so sorry." she whispered.

    "No...No Kasadie stop!" I started to hyperventilate again in a panic. Without my knives I had no defense... She lounged at me and tied the gag again. This time actually in my mouth. I tried to yell but she pressed her thumb into my throat and cut of my air. When she released I gasped and the cut the ropes that held me to the chair. My legs, ankles and arms were still bound by leather straps.

    She held me in front of her hand on the side of my neck so she could easily cut off my air again if needed.

  Jeff, Lilly and Hoodie came into the room, "Well that sucks.." Lilly said when she saw Kasadie and I against the wall.

    Hoodie pulled out his gun and Kasadie put a little more presssure on my wind pipe. "One step closer and she dies!" Kasadie said. She was trembling. The poor kid was scared to death. Sure, she was about to kill me...but I still felt bad for her.

   "Kasadie," Lilly said, "We are here to help you not hurt you. Now please let Nikki go and everything will be fine."

   Kasadie started to tremble more violently. "I don't believe  you." she started to sob.

   Jeff kneeled down next to us, and Nick and Megan came into the room. "Nikki what the hell?" Megan asked. I rolled my eyes at her. I couldn't exactly answer. Nick joined Jeff next to us.

    He looked Kasadie in the eyes, "Kasadie, we are going to help you. But we can't do that until you let my sister go. Can you do that?" He gave her a look of sincerity that I've only ever seen him give when we reunited at the mansion a while back. If there wasn't a gag in my mouth I would have smiled a bit. My brother had a crush.

    She losened her grip and shook violently in a mixture of relief and fear. Jeff picked me up and Megan and Lilly helped get the straps off. I sighed and stretched finally being able to move. I looked over to see Nick comforting Kasadie and pick her up. I let a sweet smile spread across my face. If those two don't end up dating I may cry.

    Then we went home. Kasadie and Nick still aren't dating. It needs to happen though. Her and I are friends now. And she will now forever be known as Kassadie the Kitten of Death.

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