Chap 1 - Meeting

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"Hey! Good work today Mint, I've never seen anyone beat the captain in a fight like that before."

Over the sound of rushing showers and rowdy policemen-in-training on the other side of a solid wall, the russette raised her head from the blots of moisturiser on her skin, flat eyes coming to meet those of one of the few other females on her course.
A taller, slightly more pinched girl with short white hair and a blinding grin looked back down at her. Chikyu – or Mint as she was referred to by her peers at the academy specifically – didn't bother to stand, aware that her height would leave her looking up regardless.

"Thank you. I've been working hard."

"Yeah, we know, it's pretty dang clear. Hey, hey, are you doing anything else today? We're all going to the bar if you want to join us."

While the brunette paused for a moment, if only to allow the offer to sink in, her expression remained as monotonous as ever, turning back to her toned arms to continue rubbing cream into her skin.

It had become apparent that her work in both theory and practical for the police training academy were paying off, as she'd risen to the top of her class earlier that month. While confident in her abilities, she didn't let it get to her head, remaining in search of as much knowledge and direction as before.

"Mm. I appreciate the offer, but I'm busy. I don't drink either, really."

Her lifeless response was met by only a soft, understanding huff, the whitette shrugging lightly before turning on her heel to finish dressing. Within the following five minutes, her giggles and voices of the other trainees passed through Chikyu's ears, though she felt no regret in turning the offer down. Like she said, she did appreciate it, however she considered her commitments far more important than getting drunk with her fellow recruits.

Instead, she pulled her warm sweater back on, tying the academy neckerchief around her shoulders and gathered her messenger bag, neatly arranging the creases in her clothing until they were satisfactory. After running through each book in her bag for her own sanity, just to be sure none had gone missing – god forbid -, she took a momentary glance in the changing room mirror, acknowledging her appearance, and left the site toward the library.


Grinding his mechanical pencil against his temple, the youngest Todoroki tisked down at the work-in-progress blueprint spread across the table in front of him. For his upcoming project, he'd been tasked with designing the floorplan for a home with a target audience of families of up to 5, the assignments focusing mainly on challenging the student's client appeal abilities.

This in turn meant limiting the boy's creativity somewhat, and restricting him to a specific market demographic. The final project would be submitted to a survey board, and the marks would be determined not only by the course tutor's own evaluation, but the thoughts of the target audience.

"Good afternoon, Todoroki-san. May I sit down?

The voice spurred him to raise his head, tense for a moment as the thought of another female coming to harass him took centre stage in his mind, though his features softened upon seeing Chikyu's familiar vitiligo-dotted face peering down at him.

"Oh- Mm, you know you don't have to ask anymore, right?"

After making an effort to gather his belongings back to his side of the table as she sat opposite, the red-whitette returned his eyes to his work, though he did glance up every so often. Beat him why, perhaps it was just nice to see something different to the criss-cross of white and obnoxious blue.

However, his focus was short-lived, a disgruntled huff leaving his mouth before he dropped his forehead against the tabletop.

"I take it you didn't sleep well?"

The russette questioned, pulling her advanced calculus papers from her bag to continue working on for the remainder of the afternoon, shielding the work from him by propping it at an incline on one of her sturdy folders. While somewhat sure he wouldn't try to look at her answers, she had never been fully trusting, and well aware that her answers could be invaluable considering she was a year ahead of him due to her corresponding age.

"How'd you guess? Anyway, it's this project, I'm falling behind on it. Consumer based, so a pain in the ass. I'm relieved you're here honestly, this blue is giving me a headache.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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