TomTord 1

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I has no fucking idea what I'm doing so don't expect this to be good, also I'm pretty new at writing smut ssooooo yea. Also Tord is taller and more muscular than Tom if you don't like that, well then shit, I don't fucking care.

Tord's (POV)                                                                                                              Matt and Edd had gone to the store leaving me and Thomas alone. "hmmm" I hummed to myself "Should I go bother and annoy Thomas or keep to myself and do something productive, and by productive I mean procrastinate my work and watch anime or jerk off instead." I said to no one in particular.

"I think I'll go bother Thomas, I mean, what could go wrong!" I said to myself, my habit of talking or muttering to myself really showing. 

I came out of my room the light in the hall blinding my for a second as I hadn't see light in a while. After I got adjusted to the light I went and walked into the living room to see if Thomas was in there or if he was in his room. "Actually he might be at a bar, I'll go check his room and if he's not in there he's at a bar and I'll go tinker on something or watch anime." I muttered to myself.

I walked towards the door frame which separated the living room to the hall where all our rooms were. I walked down the hall and was met with Thomas's door. Being as quiet as I could I gently opened the door only enough for me to peek inside. In the room I saw Thomas shit-face drunk sitting on is floor leaning against his bed mutter-singing something to himself all his words slurs

"ahh, he drunk" I muttered to myself. "Well, that means he won't remember me fucking with him." I muttered a smirk creeping onto my face. I walked into the room Thomas looked up at me and his gaze followed me as I came and sat down in front of him. "Tord? wat cha want?" Thomas in his usual drunk tone, kinda soft but very slurred.

"Just wondering what cha up to." I said which was clearly a lie, I didn't care at all I just wanted Thomas for my personal entertainment. "Why?" Thomas asked his head was slightly tilted. Think of an excuse I responded "Don't know, just got board. Matt and Edd aren't here so It's pretty boring all alone." My smirk returning to my face when I emphasized "all" 

"Yeah I guess it does get a little boring when your alone." Thomas said with a hiccup, still clearly very drunk. So being the great person I am I decided to take advantage of Thomas's situation. I climbed onto Thomas. Him leaning against his bed his legs straight in front of him and me on my knees straddling him, my hands resting on his shoulders. Him looking up at me and me down at him.

"Tord?" Thomas asked head tilted. I leaned in my hand going up to his chin, holding it while I pressed my lips into the smaller male's under me.

I noticed Thomas was a little surprised and hesitant at first he soon gave into the kiss and started kissing back as well. 'Well didn't plan this but it's interesting and better than slacking off on whatever' I though to myself as I took my hand off Thomas's chin and returned it to it's resting position on his shoulder then I deepened the kiss by pushing my chest up against Thomas.

His hands snuck their way to my hips resting there with only a little bit of pressure. Pulling our lips apart to breath I lowered myself down so I was in fact sitting on Thomas's lap. There I noticed his little friend, eager and ready. 'Interesting' I thought 'It really doesn't take much to turn him on now does it?" I set that into my memory, making sure I won't forget it to fuck with him in the future.

So like any normal human I decided to take this as far as I could and started rolling my hips back and forth, giving Thomas just enough friction to make him groan. At the same time my grinding also earned a groan from myself, but I craved more friction so I sped up and grinded a bit harder.

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