Chapter 29 - For Now, I'm Your Side

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"When I say 'persist with whatever you want', Eddy. I didn't imply that you should go around stalking her in the middle of the night, young man!"

"Be more specific next time then." Dorothea was about to blow her mind at Edward's response if it won't for Jasper holding tight onto her waist with a chuckle at Dorothea's puffy cheeks. How dare Edward speak like that to her, he was lucky that Dorothea tends to easily forget and forgive people.

"Actually, I'm glad you're not dead 'cause well, that would suck plus I wanted to ask you even though it's like a month away."

Moving her eyes from Jasper, Dorothea noticed how Edward's ears were picking up on Mike's and Bella's conversation. Dorothea would scold him for eavesdropping on someone's else conversation but knows it would become useless in Edward's ears.

"You want to go? To prom. With me." / "Prom. As in dance? I, uh have to go... somewhere. To Jacksonville. Yeah." / "You can't go another weekend?"

"Non-refundable ticket. Maybe you should ask Jessica."

Dorothea couldn't help but cringe at the way Bella spoke, she was so awkward it was laughable honestly, she can't even find a suitable and logical lie. Glancing at Edward, she rolled her eyes, "Wipe that absurd smirk off your face, Eddy. You also aren't permitted to go to prom with her until the whole family agrees to it."

Edward whined for remembering how much tension the family still had with the topic of Bella and seeing Jasper also frowning at Bella made the situation much worse, just informing him it was going to be harder than he thought.

"That later, we should get on the bus first before Mr Molina search for us. You should be glad it's us and Alice coming with you, not Roselie or Emmet. Dean might just embarrass you more," Jasper chuckled in agreement at his lover's exaggerated words, before leading Dorothea into their bus.

 Dean might just embarrass you more," Jasper chuckled in agreement at his lover's exaggerated words, before leading Dorothea into their bus

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( ≖.≖)

"C'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep... that's it. Now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of 'compost tea.' This is recycling at its most basic level -- hey, don't drink that!"

Bella keeps an eye on Edward who's up ahead with Dorothea, Jasper, and Alice. Jasper was holding onto an umbrella for the two girls in front of him. While the girls had their arms wrapped around each other while he and Edward walk behind them in silence.

"Oh look, Thea. Let's go there," Alice dragged the girl off leaving Jasper alone with Edward, it was awkward at first since their last argument about Edward saving Bella but the tension grew higher when Bella walks nearer to them. She takes a breath of courage and strides up to them saying her greetings.

Jasper held his breath from taking in the girl's scent while glaring at her, Edward had whispered some words to Jasper before the man left them alone to find his lover. Clearly, the male didn't agree as his glare deepen on Edward and then at Bella before doing as so.

Seeing Jasper's distress, Dorothea apologizes to Alice before heading closer to him.

Jasper immediately wraps himself around Dorothea, and secretly took a bite of the girl's neck to take in her scent. Dorothea didn't mind, instead, caress Jasper's hair until he was satisfied. Humming a tune that Jasper learned to love over time, whenever she would sing to calm his nerves.

"Let's go outside and wait by the big tree. Mr Molina won't mind, I'm sure." Jasper just nods his head before eagerly dragging Dorothea outside the greenhouse to the big oak tree near their bus, he hastily pushes Dorothea to the tree and devourer her into a passionately heated kiss.

His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing Dorothea's tongue to slip inside. Their bodies pressed together heatedly against the tree, breathing heavily as their lips pressed together.

It felt like seconds but turns out to be an hour. They had their hands on each other, ignoring the teenagers now walking outside too to end the field trip.

"You could have let the van crush me and saved yourself all this regret." / "You think I regret saving you?" / "I know you do."

"You don't know anything."

Dorothea let out a sigh, moving her head slightly to the right to observe the argument between Edward and Bella while Jasper continues sucking on her neck, their petty argument that could be resolved if they open up was starting to annoy her, all she wants is to enjoy time with Jasper.

Dorothea notice how Edward's harshness stings the mortal. Which made her let out a sigh, now feeling pity. Suddenly, Alice appears at Edward's side. She eyes Bella with curiosity.

"Jasper, let's continue this at home. It's time to head home, love." Jasper let out a grunt of a different opinion, but halt his action, both staring deeply into each other eyes before Dorothea gave him a quick peck and then drag him closer to their siblings.

"The bus is leaving. Hi. Will you be riding with us?"

Dorothea didn't trouble to bring them any close to the argument but instead pull Jasper inside the bus, giving a fleet smile at Bella first. "No. Our bus is full." Edward purposefully walks Alice away but he glances back at Bella with remorse. She doesn't see it.

Once Alice and Edward had seated themselves beside the couple at the back of the bus, did Dorothea open up the conversation? "Don't you think that's a little too harsh?"

"Doesn't matter, it's been done." Dorothea let out a sigh, she and Alice shared a slight concern for Edward and Bella. Jasper didn't bother saying anything, just enveloping his arm over Dorothea's shoulder to push her closer to his chest.

( ≖.≖)

Right now at the high school cafeteria, Dorothea was having her daily conversation with her sibling while leaning her back against Jasper's chest. She also took note of how Edward how ignoring Bella's anger and determination set in again her emotion.

"La Push beach, down on the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in." / "And I don't just surf the internet." / "Eric, you stood up once. On a foam board."

"There's whale watching, too. Come with."

Dorothea had listened attentively to the conversation between the mortal, as a plan is building itself in her brain on how to fix the relationship between Edward and Bella, getting enough of him being more emo-ish and depressing over the matter.

Deciding to have a mental conversation with Edward knowing he was listening already while she plays with Jasper's finger so it won't show much. "Go talk to her, Eddy."

Edward gave Dorothea a confused look, not understanding anything. "What you are doing is right. You are shielding her but I doubt you want to live the remainder of your life without her. You don't need to be more, just mend the wound you left on her."

With that Edward stood up, leaving the table making his sibling confused at his action while Dorothea just proceeds to chew on her fries. Edward gave Dorothea one last glance before walking off to Bella at the salad bar station.

Once Edward is far, Dorothea started thinking about ways to solve their future, especially with the Volturi, Aro.

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