Part 1

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It was the first day of my last year of college, and after my breakup with one of my year's most popular boys, I was basically back to being a loser. The story was that I cheated on him, when actually it was the other way around, however only our friends knew the truth. We were all sworn to secrecy because we knew he'd beat our asses if the truth got out.

A Levels were in a few months, and me and my best friend Sadie were studying together every other night, no one could get in the way of me and Oxford University, the lifelong dream of becoming a neurosurgeon and moving to America was finally within reach, provided I got A's in all of my courses. Sadie wanted to work in paediatrics, but I always said it would be too much for me to handle- but thankfully we could both do our medical school together, obviously focusing on surgery, and we wouldn't have to choose a specialty until after our first year at work.

As I walked in to school with Sadie at my right hand, blonde hair straightened and makeup on fleek, I saw my crush. He was that person that you liked for some reason, but you never told anyone, not even your best friend, because you tried to convince yourself if you didn't say it out loud then it wouldn't be real, not to mention he was the best friend of my cheating ex.

Lewis Robinson was six feet tall, and well built; muscles that were reminiscent of a footballer, not excessive, but not absent either. The eyes were apparently a window to the soul, supposedly letting you in on the secrets of the individual should you stare long enough. His were the darkest brown, almost black- there were at least a hundred different ways I could choose to perceive this, but I ignored them all. They're just eyes, Amelia. Don't overthink it.

Sadie had platinum blonde hair down to her shoulders, that spent most of it's time tied in to a half up half down style. Her eyes were the kindest brown, not at all piercing like Lewis' black orbs. I always told her she reminded me of a character from our favourite television show: Izzie Stevens. Funny, kind, and extremely loving, she was my best friend forever.

"You ready, Mils?" She asked me, we walked in to the hallway of our college. We would be the first year to complete our courses at this college, which was rather appropriately named 'New College," therefore we had a lift running through the centre of the building. It was very useful when it was Monday morning and your legs were tired before the week had even started- like now.

"Huh? Oh right, yeah let's go." I didn't realise I'd been in a world of my own, eyes fixed on, you guessed it: Lewis. As we continued walking, we began talking about all sorts of random things- the party coming up on Friday night that neither me nor Sadie had any idea why we were attending took the top spot. I'd never been really drunk before, of course my senses had been slightly dulled and my surroundings had warped in to some really strange shapes, but I'd never been DRUNK. Not seventeen-year-old-Briton drunk, anyway. Oh well, there's a first time for everything.

"Shit, sorry." I said as I looked up to allow my eyes to find the face of the really tall guy I'd just walked in to when I was debating whether to wear winged eyeliner or not. Of course, it was Lewis. We were best friends in primary school, naturally drifting apart once he'd been absorbed in to the trademark secondary school popular boy culture that I desperately tried to avoid.

"It's okay, just watch your step, midget." I was 5 feet tall, so for a seventeen year old, I couldn't deny that I was a midget. I sheepishly nodded at him and moved on, I couldn't dwell on it or else my mind would be sucked in to the world of Lewis Robinson and it hadn't even got to first period yet which just so happened to be biology- the only class I have with him. Thankfully, we got to school early so I had a good half hour to forget that experience before lesson started and once again be absorbed in discussions about eyeliner.

Nothing else worth thinking about happened until break. Biology was a walk in the park, I had to tell Lewis how to structure an assignment answer but aside from that no words were really exchanged between us. Me and Sadie were on our way to the dining hall when she decided she needed the toilet, but I told her I'd be waiting outside because I couldn't stand the smell.

I felt a large hand grab my arm, and I turned around to find Lewis' black eyes burning in to mine, icy blue spheres returning his stare. He dragged me to the lift which was just across the hall and shut the doors, all the while my feet were firmly rooted to the floor, unable to move through shock. After we'd gone up what couldn't have been more than a floor and a half, he stopped the lift, resulting in us being alone together, tension that wasn't quite sexual descending on us like fog on a winter morning.

"I'm going to kiss you." He said as he was walking towards me, completely closing the distance between us.

"Uh- okay." Was all I could manage, my words were lost in a whirl of thoughts about his lips on mine. His body was pressing against mine and I could feel his dick on my hip, I couldn't help but imagine how it would feel in a much more intense situation than the one being presented to me right now.

"You're going to have to be up higher than that for me to reach your mouth, Amelia." He breathed in a low voice while stroking his hand up my leg, and then up my short skirt which ended not even halfway down my thigh. I bent my leg so that he could support my ass as he lifted me up, pressing my back against the mirror of the lift, opening my legs so he could fit perfectly in the middle. I was perched right on top of his cock, and as the dance between our tongues became more aggressive and my hands were running through his hair in a less and less organised fashion, it became harder and harder.

"I can feel you throbbing through your panties, Amelia." He said as he pulled away from our kiss, hot sweet breath tickling my neck and making my hairs stand on end. His touch was like fire, but it was also like he was desperate for me- I was the ice to his flame- opposed but simultaneously perfectly attracted. His right hand was already up my skirt, and then he moved his left so both of his hands were cupping my bare ass, his fingers sneaking up the back of my panties.

I let out a small moan at the sensation of his fingers rubbing my clit, sending a strange feeling all the way down my legs, it was like nothing I'd ever felt before: more euphoric than when my ex had done the same thing to me.

"Is this- is it- okay?" He asked, breath shaky and uneven, if he was even half as turned on as I was right now then I couldn't even believe he could string two words together. I moaned to let him know to keep going, it felt so damn good and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop all the dirty thoughts rushing through my head. He pulled my thong down to my ankles revealing my pussy, his finger found my opening and it slid in. It felt so good, his digits pumping in and out of me, I moaned again but this time louder.

"That's it, moan for daddy." He whispered in to my ear, keeping going faster and faster.

"I- I'm close." I half screamed. My words were a mess, and his hand just kept going, his eyes were burning in to mine. I was sweating and so was he. I moaned again as I released my load all over his hand, I felt him take his fingers out my opening and saw him put them in his mouth. My legs were still wrapped tightly around his waist, however they were slipping as they lost strength due to the intense orgasm I just had. I couldn't believe I'd just let Lewis bring me to climax in a lift, oh my god. It was the best I'd ever had though, I think I've now got a thing for lifts.

"Babygirl, this isn't the half of what I could do to you. We'd better do this again tomorrow, or I might have to punish you." After winking at me, he put me down and handed me my soaked thong that was now basically useless, as I put it on he watched and then turned to press the button to get the lift to move again and I'd have to go through the rest of my day like nothing even happened...

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