Chapter 1

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Outfit above are her pjs. Face Claim is Camila Mendes

A/N: I sadly do not own anyone but Mason, Jesse, Natalia, and MJ. All credits go to their rightful creators. Also want to point out that I have not actually watched Hawaii 5-O or SWAT, but I kinda know about them and thought about this so...


- Grace is in High School with May

- Charlie is 7 and lives with Grace and Rachel and travels with them to see their father

-timeline is super wrong and wonky but I honestly am just gonna make it work lol


Natalia Rodriguez is having a bad day.

Today was supposed to be both her and her husband's first day back at work since the lawsuit. Speaking of, said husband is being extra irritating today. She could see in his eyes how excited he is to be getting back to work, even though she keeps telling him that they will not be welcomed back to Station 118 with open arms. 

"Morning cariño," Buck yawns out as he kisses her forehead.

"Morning mi amor," Lia says as she stares at him.

"Staring would be considered rude to most people, ya know," Buck states matter-of-factly as he tries not to laugh at his wife's expression.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring, there is a difference," Lia says with no room for argument.

"C'mon, we have to get up and get MJ to daycare before work," Buck tries as he starts to get out of bed.

"Ugh, I don't want to go to work when the people we love hate us and we are just going to be doing chores anyways," Natalia pouts but gets out of bed to go to her son. 

Buck follows Lia out of their room to get breakfast ready and to get MJ ready for daycare. Even as Lia walks in front of him, wearing a cami top and sweats, she looks like the most beautiful woman in the world in his eyes. No matter how many times she said it was okay, Buck felt physical pain every time he used the truck for "hookups" when he was going to see his son. They didn't tell any of the team that they were married because they didn't want to have to explain how long they have known each other and there is another aspect that they didn't want to address. They got married at 18 after their first brushes with deal, only having been dating for one year. The wedding was beautiful, it was on a beach with their ohana in Hawaii before they had to go back to work.

"I promise they won't hate us Red, maybe slight dislike," Buck reassured his beloved as they reached their son's room. 

"You are being too optimistic Pup, but at least we won't be alone," Lia explains, looking at her husband while entering the room to get MJ ready. 

"You are being too pessimistic cariño," Buck refutes and gathers MJ's clothes and placing them on the hanger in the bathroom. He comes out of the bathroom after running the bath to grab his son and is met with his wife's deadpan stare. 

"Tu necesitas estar preparado para que se enojen, amor." Talia explains again and turns around to wake up Mason Jesse. (You need to be ready for them being angry love)

Mason Jesse Buckley-Rodriguez is both Natalia and Buck's whole world, along with his cousins Grace and Charlie. There is no one in the world who is more important to the Buckley-Rodriguez couple than those 3 kids, no matter how much they love Christopher Diaz. They named MJ after both their best friends who died while on their last team mission. Mason Briggs was Buck's best friend and basically Lia's little brother, since he was only 18. Jesse was Lia's best and only girl friend and Buck's chosen little sister. They died doing what they do best, but there is not a moment since when their family don't miss them. 

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