Chpt. 1: New student!

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(Idk what to add above lol)


"Everyone take your seats, I have an announcement.", Aizawa began in his usual tired voice like he just woke up.

The chatter and pitter-patter of shoes against the tiled floor came to a stop at the sound of the homeroom teachers order.
Everyone took their seats and waited patiently for Aizawa to continue his speech.

Also waiting patiently for Kaminari to stop whispering to Kirishima behind him and snickering.

Which he did once he realized most of the students around him were looking at him with bored expressions. Aizawa sighed and waved the paper on top of his podium in his hand.
"Class 1-B is getting a new student today. Normally, teachers wouldn't tell their students about a new student in other classes, but this, this is a warning of sorts."

The room was silent for a few moments before some concerned chatter and uneasy whispering was heard about.

"The new student has chosen to go by just Koharu, please respect that if you ever stumble about her. She doesn't have much control over her quirk, which is to either reverse someone's mind to a younger age or their body, maybe even both in some cases. She had permitted to let this information out and make sure that she isn't around anyone else if a mishap happens. Please, keep in mind that she's able to reverse the effects of her quirk and turn people back to their normal age. That's all"

As Aizawa spoke, the students he informed were dead silent from shook. No one was sure if Koharu's quirk was strong or not, but from what they just heard, it has the possibility of being so...

Izuku raised his hand with a worried face. "Yes, Midoriya?", Aizawa asked with no change in his voice. "What if she can't reserve the effect?", he blinked as he spoke, also putting his hand back down on his desk to nervously tap his pen on the wood. It was a pretty good question. But, the answer was complicated...
Aizawa let out a sigh and looked down slightly. "We're not sure yet. But, she knows how to do that easier than trying to not use her quirk", he stated.

The class started making noise again, everyone only getting louder and more worried.

The scruffy teacher at the front rolled his eyes and took out a yellow, cacoon like sleeping bag from underneath his desk and slept in the corner, ignoring the growing chatter for the rest of the day. Bakugou let a little smirk grow on his face at the thought of defeating this new person. Especially, against her quirk. He wasn't told what her quirk looked like and how it would be avoidable, only the effect it gave to someone, but he was confident enough to claim the title as supper against her without even meeting her.

And... That's just what he bragged about all day, only annoying everyone.


At around lunchtime, the bell rang in the middle of everyone eating, a lot earlier than it should've. Everyone was extremely puzzled and scared, thinking a villain had gotten into the school grounds somehow.

But, that wasn't what it was about, thankfully.

The school principal, Nezu stood on the cafeteria balcony, getting everyone's attention. He started to speak in a positive light, calming the students down, "I'm sorry for this sudden inconvenience, but due to the chilly weather, your school day is being cancelled for the rest of today and tomorrow! We couldn't make any conclusions about the weather this morning, so we couldn't prevent you all from missing classes today because it seemed rather warm today. After lunch finishes, you can all hurry to the dorms. It'll only get colder today so we'd rather have you all in the dorms instead of having to go home in this cold.", He spoke kindly with a smile. Well, that was a relief... At least they didn't need to- "But, your teachers do suggest continuing your homework while you spend the rest of today inside!", Nezu finished before leaving the cafe.

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