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My Name is Destiny , everything I've been taking away from me even my parents and the world I once called home is gone . I'm from planet Mars don't ask me how I survive my parents were scientist and my mom was pregnant with me while they were on Mars working after my mom give birth to me we learned how to live on Mars . When I got older my dad thought me a lot just in case something happened well it did at the age of 28 Mars got destroyed and everything my dad worked hard on was lost like it never happened , so after Mars blow up I was shaped to Earth and everything changed I had to learn to be a New Yorker because that's where I landed went to school graduated with Honors and took a modeling career that took me to Barcelona Spain I ended up living there because I fell inlove with the place me I learned fast all it takes is to show me 1 once so I'm walking down the iustreet pass a barbershop 3 blocks down from it I rented an apartment got settled went shopping for everything and made my home looked like a home , as I got done I went and showed put my hair an a ponytail denim blue jeans white sweater and sneakers that had heals in them and I walk to the barbershop went inside the Owner was there. How I know because every one kept calling him boss .
Hi I'm Destiny.
Hi I'm James . This is my shop we do hair cuts and tattoos

Destiny : oh nice I love it , it seems inviting and warm welcome.
James : it is thank you
Destiny : and the floors are amazing with art .
James : I love art that's why I'm filled with tattoos but they all have meaning to them .
Destiny: that is cool , well I just moved here 3 blocks down .
James : that's cool
Destiny : I'm happy here I just also started modeling and I need a job until that set in
James. : I understand I model to and I built this shop and made it to what it is now .
Destiny: oh wow that's awesome I've never seen such a thing only on tv
James : huh where are you from
Destiny : planet Mars
James : are you kidding me lmao
No one has ever lived there because they have not proven that people can live there
Destiny : my parents were scientist and they went up there to work my mom was pregnant with me and they couldn't make it back to earth on time so my dad made it where we can survive on earth until I was 28 then the planet blew up do to an astroid and I was shaped to earth landed in New York then came here for modeling opportunity

James : wow I'm sorry I thought you were joking
Destiny : no I'm not sorry to disappoint
James. : no no you didn't I just couldn't believe it that's all
But um you think you can learn reception job?
Destiny : yes all I need is to train once's in I'm good
James : okay then Marc show Destiny around and teach her how to handle the receptionist area .
Marc : sure thing Boss

                      ( Marc POV )
So I showed her around and teach her a few things and she picked up really fast wow that's cool I didn't need to speak twice

                   ( James POV )
Wow this girl was from another planet that's crazy at first I didn't believe it because well duh ! No one have proven that human life can exist there , but then her parents were scientist so I guess they survive for a while , she is beautiful I've never seen anything like her and her eyes are like diamonds , wow , snapping back to reality I had marc train her and he said she picked up everything once , wow that's cool and as I listen to her making appointments schedules she's doing great .

Destiny Where stories live. Discover now