Chapter 33 - Baseball Game

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Jasper and Dorothea were in their room messing around on the bed.

Their room was filled with Dorothea's cute giggles and Jasper's deep vocal chuckles, today the family decided to play baseball as it was the perfect weather to do so. "Jasper, You need to get ready. We'll be in big trouble if you don't get dressed."

"10 more minutes won't harm anyone, darling." As said, Jasper is currently shirtless as he cuddles Dorothea on the bed while playing with her hair, however, Dorothea was doing her best to get out of her man's impossible grip.

Dorothea's high pitch laughter started again once Jasper got bored and tickle the girl, they were rolling around on the bed with Dorothea trying her best to avoid Jasper's hand. Their moment got cut off by Edward's fake cough from the door frame.

Jasper let out an annoyed sigh, slowly standing up to find his shirt while Dorothea straightens herself to question Edward. "What's wrong, Eddy?"

"I have invited Bella to play with us today so-" Jasper and Dorothea had frozen hearing that their brother had invited the mortal as they can imagine the future playing out. "A-Are you sure, Eddy. Maybe next time when-" Dorothea was gently trying to turn Edward's decision to invite the girl but Edward's face had turned cold, Jasper had looked at Edward with a glare as he had felt Edwards's emotion.

"Stop it. Why can't you all be happy that I have found someone to spend the rest of my life with. And don't use the excuses of nomads, Alice had already said they are leaving the country."

Dorothea becomes speechless not knowing what to say, she started wondering if her action were too cold than thought. "It's not like that, Eddy. But it's not safe with nomad vampire still out there somewhere."

"It's just a baseball game with us. I'm sure we can handle protecting a single human."

Dorothea let out a sigh, knowing that Edward is already too fixed on bringing Bella to the vampire baseball game, turning to look at Jasper who was still not satisfied with Edward's tone. "Sorry, forget it. What was it you desire before?"

"I want to meet Charlie officially and he only likes you so I want you to be there with me." Dorothea only nods her head before standing up to make a passionate kiss with Jasper before leaving with Edward. "I'll see you soon. Don't miss me too much."

Jasper quickly slapped Dorothea's ass, earning a very flustered look from the girl.


"We're both juniors

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"We're both juniors. I thought you liked the Cullens." / "I like Dorothea. And I thought you weren't interested in any of the boys in town."

"Edward doesn't live 'in town'. And it's in the early stage and- whatever, he's outside right now." / "Now? He's out there?"

"He wants to meet you. Officially." Dorothea had given Edward a smirk when she hears Charlie cocks his rifle. They both got out of the car to, greet the sheriff. Dorothea had to rush her way to the man to hug him. "Oh, I miss you too, little girl." Yet again, Bella was shocked at Dorothea and Charlie's relationship.

Once Charlie gently puts Dorothea back onto the ground, he focuses on Edward with a stern and serious look on. "Chief Swan. I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward." Edward extends his hand in hopes that Charlie takes it but instead got ignored and looks back at Dorothea with a raised eyebrow.

"Should I let him go free of pain? He seems like trouble, what do you think?" / "Well, I can't say he's all friendly and charming. He got a spot reserved in hell that's for sure-"

"I won't keep Bella out late tonight. We're just going to go play baseball with my family." Edward quickly changed the topic seeing Dorothea wasn't there to help him but tease him more.

"Bella's going to play baseball?" Charlie and Dorothea share a shocking look at Bella who was offended by it. "I know right, astonishing."

"Yes, sir, that's the plan." / "Well. More power to you, I guess." / "She'll be safe with me, sir, I promise"

Dorothea took that as the end of the conversation, so she walks her way back to the passenger seat of the car knowing it would annoy Edward more. Edward had opened the door for Bella to seat at the back, but Dorothea notices the glare he had given her, which in response just gave him her sweetest smile.

The whole car ride is a little stiff since Bella clearly still fears Dorothea, the small vampire would notice showing she would keep staring at her eyes than at Edward's, seeing the different colors. "Right, since when do vampires like baseball?"

"It's the American pastime. Plus, there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why"



Storm clouds gather in the sky as Bella, Edward and Dorothea pull up in the Jeep. Bella takes in a rough baseball diamond, set into an enormous field in the lap of the Olympic peaks. Esme and Emmett come to greet Bella but only after hugging Dorothea.

"Good thing you're here. We need an umpire." / "She thinks we cheat." / "I know you cheat. Call 'em as you see 'em, Bella."

Dorothea had left their side to Jasper who was playing a few tricks with the baseball bat, when Dorothea is within reach, he immediately pulled the girl into a make-out session. "Hey, no kissing with the enemy!" Jasper had flipped off Dean and Emmet's comment.

Alice stood on the Pitcher's Mound "It's time."

Just as she said that a deep rumble of thunder shakes the forest earning everyone's attention. The game had begun. Bella stays by Esme who plays catcher. Alice pitches with lightning-fast speed. Edward and Emmett take positions in the outfield. Rosalie smashes the ball with the aluminum bat.

It snaps like thunder and is followed directly by real thunder. "Now I get why you need the thunder." / "That has to be a home run."

"... Edward's very fast."

Rosalie darts around the bases, almost a blur and you can hear Dorothea cheering for her. Edward races out of the forest with the ball and whips it to home plate, Esme catches it a millisecond before Rosalie slides in.

Now everyone's attentions turn to the mortal for the last decision. "Yer out?" Rose scowl at the girl making her feel uncomfortable while Dorothea boos and Emmet cheers at the decision. "Come on babe. It's a game!"

Carlisle was next on the pitch, hitting a line drive. Edward and Emmett race for the catch, driving 15 feet and colliding with such might that it sounds like enormous boulders falling. They miss the ball making Dr. Cullen safe.

Jasper was next, playing a little with the bat before sending Dorothea a wink who in retort boos at him for being the opposite team. Jasper just chuckles but his focus never loosens as he was able to hit the ball so far into the forest but before Edward can chase it, Alice suddenly gasps.

"Stop! I didn't see them..."

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Where stories live. Discover now