🌸 | 003. Creepers Head Lights

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Book: Burn It Down
Chapter 3: Creepers Head Lights
Word Count: 1769

Dalton had officially got on everyone's nerves by continuously sticking his camera in their faces

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Dalton had officially got on everyone's nerves by continuously sticking his camera in their faces. Jacob was watching him move around with a frown, the only thing lighting him up was when he saw Blake spray Dalton with his beer but even that didn't stop Dalton from being the most annoying person on the trip.

"Dalton! What did I say?" Carly said when she saw the camera was no solely focused on her.

Dalton blushed bashfully and slowly put his camera down. "I'm sorry. My bad." She was the first person he had apologised to all night.

"Thank god." Jacob said, taking a sip of his beer and feeling Nick laugh into his neck.

Carly jumped up and ran towards Dalton grabbing at the camera in his hands and flipping it around to face Dalton. "Oh and the cameras have turned! Look how cute you are on camera." Carly gushed. Dalton began stuttering and backed his way into the tent, not being to comfortable on camera. Finally he was getting a taste of his own medicine. "I think we might have to do a little make over." As he disappeared into the tent, Carly and Paige were quick to follow him.

Now that most of the noise was gone, it was safe to relax for a little bit. Nick shifted in Jacobs lap, getting out his lighter so he could rub the flame against his now empty beer bottle. "That is so bad ass." Jacob said sarcastically.

Nick rolled his eyes but continued on with what he was doing. Blake shuffled over to sit by them and he asked Nick, "so why did you steal that car anyway? I mean, you didn't need to do it. It was to get that rush huh?"

"Something like that." Nick answered, eyes not even glancing at Blake. Blake didn't notice the anger in his tone but Jacob did. He always picked up on the small things like that. He circled his arms around Nick's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder, eyes moving along with the flame coming from Nick's lighter.

Carly walked backwards out of the tent, camera held high. "If you don't come out, I will be so mad." She laughed. Jacob turned his head back to see what was going on and snorted out a laugh when he saw what they had done to Dalton. He was wearing Paige's tight yellow shirt and Carly's sparkling glasses. "Look how good you look!"

"Hey..." Dalton waved awkwardly.

"Wow, Dalton. You clean up good, dude." Jacob said before laughing again. Dalton looked extremely embarrassed as everyone's attention was on him and is ridiculous attire.

"You look like Elton John but more gay." Blake said.

"Elton John is gay?" Dalton said cluelessly.

"He's one of a kind." Jacob whispered lowly into Nick's ear, making Nick laugh. Nick slowly turned to look at him with a smirk before leaning in and kissing him. Jacob felt his breath hitch and he pulled Nick closer to him as the kiss got deeper.

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