Untitled Part 2

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Only Hope

I’ve always considered myself lucky when I got to sit on my father’s arms. His strong sweaty arms always reminded me that I’m home. My Name is Hope Wilson and Daddy and I live in Worth, a small town in New York. Daddy is a Pastor of New Life Church down the main road. My daddy is so kind and caring I’m always so proud of him.

“Pastor Joe pastor joe come quickly!”

“It’s my son he can’t wake up, he fell of the tree branch hurry pray so the Lord will show His mercy!” A women’s voice came from the outside. 

He was sitting on the couch reading the Bible and I was on the floor playing with my doll, as the eerie silence was shattered by the scream of Mrs. Jones. Daddy got up to run and suddenly stopped and ran back to me and quickly kissed my dirty forehead and said “Everything will be okay darling, I’ll be back soon, please stay inside”

I knew everything will be okay. It always was, ever since mama died, my daddy always proved to me that everything will be just fine. My daddy’s prayers worked and I knew that Mrs. Jones’s son will make it.  

It was so hot and dusty, I climbed on the couch and watched my daddy and Mrs. Jones run to save her son. Suddenly I got a rush of fear, what son was it? Was it little Jimmy? Oh God please not Jimmy.  Jimmy was one of my friends from school, well when we use to go. We don’t have school anymore, I don’t know why exactly but it’s closed for now, daddy says it will open again soon enough. Daddy makes me read the lord prayer every night and says I need to keep reading so when I go back to school I’ll be the smartest. Without realizing I ran outside straight to Jones house, I just had to see if Jimmy was okay. When I got there I heard weeping, then I heard my daddy praying. I opened the door and stepped in to the small packed house. Little Mary ran up to me in tears and said “Its jimmy, He won’t wake up.” My heart dropped and it felt like the world was crashing down.  I caught myself from a tear. I could hear the powerful prayer and that gave me home. I walked up closer the room they were in and folded my hand and started to pray and I could not hold back the tears any longer.

The gloomy day was coming to the end as the shimmering sun went down. Jimmy still didn’t awake and my daddy left a confident word that he will be up in the morning and not to worry. We walked home that day slowly without saying a word. Daddy was holding my hand so hard and I didn’t need any words it was all there. When we stepped into our little house I was starving, I wanted mamas homemade, moist, straight out of the oven banana bread, but she was gone and we didn’t have any ingredients for that. I missed mama so much, but I knows she’s in a better place.

“It’s time for bed sugar plumb, I don’t want you falling asleep in church tomorrow morning.” Said daddy.

I hoped in to my pajamas and then into my bed, but little stomach wouldn’t stop growling. “I’m hungry daddy, so hungry!”

“I know sweetie, I know I’m hungry too. Well go over to Old Rosie’s place tomorrow and have ourselves a little breakfast” he replied. Old Rosie was our neighbor. All her Kids go married off and moved to California, so when my mama died she always took care of us and made us food, because daddy can’t cook for what it’s worth. “Sweet dreams darling, close those tired eyes and sleep” daddy said as he kissed my forehead closed the door and when to sleep. I tried so hard to fall asleep, I was excused but I just couldn’t one thing was torturing my mind, Jimmy. Was he going to be okay? Will I get to play and go to school with him again? As I was thinking I heard a sound of my daddy’s sweet prayer, I jumped out of bed and quietly walked over to his room. He had gracefully kneeled by his bed and I tiptoed and knelt next to him, and started to pray for Jimmy.  

Next morning I was awaken by the warm sunshine glistening on my face. I had a joyous feeling in my heart, I just knew it would be an incredible Sunday.

“Good Morning Daddy” I let out.

“Good morning little stinker, you fell asleep on your knees praying with me last night” he said giggling. “Go put on your clean dress on were going to church little earlier today.” I hopped out of bed and went to get washed up. I looked at myself in the little rusty mirror, my rosy pink checks and messy hair reminded me of mama. Everyone used to tell us how much we looked alike. Mama used to dress me up and braid my hair every Sunday morning, but now I have to do it myself. I still never figured out how to braid it and daddy is clueless as well so I just make a ponytail. I used to have so many dresses and then I grew them all out. I have two dresses left and they both are getting murky. Mama would wash those for me but I have to do that myself now and I not really sure how Old Rosie hopefully comes around by with a helpful hand.  I chose to wear the pink dress with all the ruffles and got all dressed. My little feet were outgrowing my black flats but what could I do about it I shoved my foot in. Daddy got all ready in fancy in his old suit that was getting holes in it. Daddy grabbed my hand and together we started our walk to church. 

“Have you heard any new on Jimmy daddy?”

“No, Hope I haven’t but we sure can stop by and see how he is. I’m sure he’s up and will come to church.” I really hoped he was right. We were almost by the Jones place and my heart was beating so fast, and my stomach was so upset and growling, and the hot sun was not helping, I felt like I would pass out. I got a stronger grasp of daddy’s hand and we made it up to their porch, Mrs. Jones saw us thought the window and ran up and opened the door with the biggest smile. “He’s up and perfectly healthy this morning, Thank You Tank you” she said with tears running down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around daddy. Then she hugged me and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. I heart was filled with joy I ran inside and caught a glimpse of Jimmy eating some scrambled eggs. Oh how I wanted some, I ran up to him and gave him a big squeeze. “Hello Hope!” he says “thank you for your prayers, mama told me you were here last night, I’m all better now. Did you eat today? Looks like you find my eggs, here I can share. How have you been? I’m not climbing anymore trees, it was scary falling off of the old tree in the back yard. Hope?” he kept on rambling, Jimmy would never shut up, I missed that so much.

“Yes!” I said as I finished the last bite of his breakfast. “Thank you so much for breakfast I haven’t eaten feels like in forever” I was truly so thankful. “Now go get ready for church you can walk with me” he looked so excited and went to get ready.

I waited for him as he got ready in a midst of a second, we walked outside together and found Jimmy’s mother crying and my dad was comforting her. “What’s wrong mom? Jimmy asked. “It’s nothing” she answered and quickly wiped her tears away. “Jimmy you go to church with Pastor Joe and Hope. I’ll come a little later once I get all the kids ready.”

This amazing Sunday seemed to have flipped, I knew something was wrong. I looked up at daddy his eyes were full of worry. I just knew something was wrong. The sun began to hide behind the gloomy clouds, it looked like it was going to rain. Jimmy went to the other side of my dad and grabbed his hand. The walk to church has never seemed so long. When we finally got we found Old Rosie there praying, she’s never first at church unless she had some kind of trouble. I was so worried what was happening with everyone. Not many more people came, it wasn’t a typical Sunday, everyone was dressed poorly, and no one had smiles on their face. Old Rosie was always the loudest one singing and she was always off key but today she was quiet and only a few people sang. Daddy got up to preach he still had the worry in his eyes. He Read about the how God was leading the Israelites to the promise land. They had all the blessing until they started to complain and God would punish them. He said that is what going on these days God blesses us and we don’t pay attention to that, we look at the bad things and complain. He was right and we all knew it. The crowed looked up and daddy with the open ears. “god is with us, He will forgive us all we have to do is ask. He will never leave or forsake us. Just tell him your desires He is Here today, He will listen.” We bowed our heads to pray it was an unusual prayer, so much better than usual. I asked God for food, and that everything in Jimmy’s family would be alright and Old Rosie won’t have any troubles. Walking from church that day I had peace in my heart. I looked up at daddy and the worry was gone.

Early next morning as the sun was peeking out, I heard on knock on a front door. My head was full of wonder, I peaked in daddy’s room to find him sound asleep. I ran up to the door with a little fear I opened it. Not a sight of anyone was there but I looked down to find a bag, I looked inside and there was food. God answers prays and always will, He was our only Hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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