Part 1

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I awoke to the sound of the roaring waves of the ocean. Downstairs i could hear my mother yelling at me to hurry up or ill miss the bus. I groan and sit up and look at the time. 7:50! I have to catch the bus at 8:00. I hurry up and grab my backpack and run out to the kitchen. I grab a poptart and rip it open while runing to the door. I check my watch 7:59. I sigh just made it. But instead of a bus pulling to pick me up a white van with the picture of a dragons head on the side does. I wait for a minute and a man in all white steps out of the van. He says "Hi are you Aron Steel?" he asks. I answer "Yes why?" He stops and pulls a phone out of his pocket and dials a fast number. A second later he mumbles into the phone and shuts it abruptly. He says please come with me and he gesters to the van. I follow him heistandly. I get into shotgun (the passenger seet) and he starts the van. I ask him 'Were are we going?" He says "I am not allowed to say." I ask again "Where are you taking me?!" He replies "Please just be quiet." I say "Fine." and we keep on driving towards the distan downtown.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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