Traveling Peace (One Shot)

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Night has fallen in the land of Seveania, yet the residents are wide awake. But this is no ordinary night. This..... was the "Night of the King". Every 3 years, the people of Seveania would go around in the king's honor and celebrate. They would move to the music, cheer, and drink. Beautiful females would dance and sing for the men. And children would play all night long, craft things with their hands, and educate themselves about the "Glorious King" and how he created this great kingdom. And at the end of the night, they would give gifts to him and one of the females would become his concubine. It was a very.... interesting night indeed. However..... it was not always the case. Because underneath this bright and peaceful town, lies a dark secret of tyranny.....


4 hours earlier....

"I'm telling you man, my wife makes the best meal you'll ever taste!"  said one of the guardsmen.

"I'll believe it when I taste it myself. But until then, I don't believe you."  the other guardsmen replied.

"Fine, it's a bet then. How much are you willing to pay?"

"We're putting money into this?"  The second guardsman asked, "All right then. How about....hmm.....40 gold coins?"

"You got yourself a deal!"  the first guardsman replied, shaking the other's hand. "You won't regret this!"

Just then, a mysterious man came riding on horseback. Wearing a cowl over his head and a mask covering his face. The cowl made sure his eyes were concealed, as if to hide his identity. On his side he carried a short sword and a dagger. His clothing, all the way down to his pants, seemed to be made of wool and silk, which was dyed dark green.

"Halt! Who goes there?!"  The first guardsmen yelled out.

"State your name and business!"  The second guardsman said, as they both held their hand out as a signal.

".........." the mysterious wanderer didn't answer.

"Sir, do not test us. I will ask again: state your name and business!"  The second guard said, placing his hand on his sword's handle.

"..... I go by the name of Sommer. Bryon Sommer."  Bryon replied, "I came here to meet a friend and I will be staying for a while."

The first guard held his hand out, "Identification, please."

"Of course. One moment, please."  replied Sommer, digging into his pouch. After he found his identification, he handed it towards them. The guard took it from his hands and read it. He then went back to the other guard to discuss the situation. After a back-and-forth conversation, the guards came back to Bryon and handed over his identification papers.

"All right, you're allowed to be in."  The first guard said, "Just don't cause any problems..."

"I won't."  Sommer replied, walking through the gates.


After a few minutes of riding through the woods, he finally reached town. The buildings were pretty big, everything except for the houses, of course. They had everything: from a Inn to a tavern to even a....brothel. something that Sommer hasn't seen, but heard. He looked towards the sky and saw that It was getting dark.

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