Chapter 7

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Previously on "I Should Be Proud Of Who I Am"...

I giggled softly and looked at Ryan.

"When did you get here cutie?" She chuckled and kept me against her, groaning softly. I smiled. "I can't wait to go home. My mom's are gonna be happy to see you." Ryan chuckled. "Your moms fucking adore babygirl." I giggled and kept my body pressed against Ryan, biting my lip softly. Mia giggled along with James and Marco. "Those two are so freaking cute together." Chad rolled his eyes. "She's better off with a guy. At least she's getting fucked with a dick and she'll get pregnant." Mia growled and snapped at Chad. "Fuck off will you! Miki is perfectly happy with Ryan. You obviously don't care about anyone but yourself. It's like as long as Chad is fucking happy and gets whatever he wants, he's fucking satisfied!!" The song ended and Marco paused before another song played as Mia continued to go off on Chad. The entire class, along with the teacher, me, and Ryan, looked at Mia. Ryan and I heard every word she was saying. We walked over and grabbed Mia. "Hey Mia...let's go walking around the school." I looked at the teacher and he nodded. We took the chance to put our shoes back on, Marco grabbed his speaker and we left for fresh air, leaving our bags there.

Mia sighed softly. "He's fucking annoying." I rubbed her back. "Girl stuff like that what he said, you need to ignore. He's trying to get a reaction out of all of us. Instead of going off like that, you should've given him a smart ass comment so he'll shut up." She nodded and tried to cool down. She smiled at me softly and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. "Thanks bestie." I giggled. Ryan chuckled softly and walked behind us.

~End of School~

We went out separate ways. I followed Ryan to her car. Mia went on the bus with her brother and Veronica. James and Marco went home together to James car. I got in the car and put my bag in the back as Ryan hopped in and started up the car. I heard a knock on my window and looked over and saw Chad. "Oh fucking lord he never leaves!" Ryan growled. "Don't. I'll get out and have a talk with this fucker." I nodded and let her do her thing. Ryan got out of the car and walked around and glared at Chad. "Alright fucker, you need to fuck off. She doesn't want you. What part of 'no' do you not understand at fucking all?" Chad was ignoring her, his lustful eyes only focused on me. I couldn't look at him. He was starting to make me uncomfortable. I rolled my window down slightly. "Ryan..can we please leave?" She looked at me and nodded, shoving past Chad and getting in the car and driving off.

She placed her hand on my thigh as we drove off to get food. "Baby what does your moms and siblings like?" I looked at her and smiled. "My little brother loves Burger King. My step-sister likes McDonald's. My stepmom likes Burger King as well and my other mom loves Panda Express.(By the way, my mom and stepmom on together hehe). She nods as we head to Burger King first. "She loves the Whopper, large fries and a large Dr.Pepper and my brother loves the Whopper as well with medium fries and a large Dr. Pepper." Ryan nodded and chuckled. "Thanks babe.

Our second stop was McDonald's. "I'll pay for this one." She smiled. "Hi, thank you so much for choosing McDonald's, what can I get for you today?" I smiled. "Hi yes, I would like a McDouble with everything expect no pickles. I would like the burger by itself with a large sprite, 10 piece nuggets with bbq sauce and ranch and a basket of fries please." "Of course no problem, I'll have your total for you at the window love." I smiled." "Thank you." We drove up and I handed the lady a $20 and a $10. She smiled and gave me my change and receipt and we drove up and got our food.

"Alright our last stop is Panda Express." Ryan nodded. "Wanna split the pay together babygirl?" I blushed at the nickname and nodded. She smiled. "Hi welcome to Panda Express. What can I get for you two?" We smiled as Ryan wrapped her arm around my waist. "For the first plate, can I have fried rice with orange chicken and a spring roll?" The lady nodded with a smile and fixed the place. "Anything else for you two?" I nodded. "Can I get two more plates?" She nodded. "On the first plate, can I get chow mien, with orange chicken, Angus Steak, one chicken egg roll and one spring roll?" The lady smiled. "Someone is eating good." I giggled and looked at Ryan. "And for the second plate could I get the same thing expect can I just get orange chicken only?" She smiled and nodded. With that, we split the payment and headed back to my house.

We walked in with food as everyone smiled. "Mommmmm we brought you guys food." They all smiled and hugged Ryan and I. "You two love birds didn't have to." I looked at my stepmom. "Well we did because I love y'all." My mom smiled as my stepmom grabbed her by the waist and littered her face with kisses. She squealed as my little brother grabbed his food. "Thank youuu." With that, he ran upstairs into his room. I roll my eyes playfully. "Kids these days." My step-sister looked at my and winked, grabbing her food and walking down the hall to her room on the first floor. Both my mom's grabbed their food and went to the living room. "Thank you again girls for this amazing food." Ryan and I nodded and walked upstairs. "Of course mom, anything for you and mom." They smiled and shared a kiss, while turning the tv on. Ryan and I walked into my room as Ryan kicked the door closed. "Where am I sleeping babygirl?" She snickered and crawled into bed. I rolled my eyes playfully and got into bed and turned my laptop on to Netflix. "Let's finish Riverdale, then binge watch Haikyuu." Ryan nodded and grabbed the food and me and we continued through the rest of our night. Eventually we'd have to tell my moms why Ryan is staying for a while with us.

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