chapter 1

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That day. The day that I will never forget for the rest of my life. Because that was the day I met him again after years. That day.

It started as it always used to start. I got out of bed, ate breakfast, got ready for school and I was a little bit late but I didn't really care.

I walked to the bus stop and waited for Renjun to arrive, although I was late. He showed up right before the bus did.

"Oh Renjun, you're late. Did you run all the way from your house?" - I asked.

"Yes... Sorry I overslept... - he was heavy breathing - Besides... You are... Always... Late..."

"Yeah you're right... Anyways the bus is here, let's go to school."

We got on the bus and got to school. As we were walking through the gates of the school someone yelled my name.


Judging my the volume I knew exactly who it was. Mark Lee. He was a 3rd year in our school. He was very popular because he used to live in Canada so he could speak fluent english. I was a bit jealous about that.

"Good morning to you too, Mark." - I said as I turned my head in his direction.

"How was your weekend?"

"It was fine. I played a lot of games tho and my mother wasn't very happy about it." - I answered his question with my regular deep voice.

"Okaaaaaaayyy. Oh good morning Renjun, I didn't even realize you were here" - Mark gently put his arm on my shoulders.

"Haha very funny Mark" - said Renjun with a tired but sarcastic tone in his voice.

"But Mark, I always come to school with Renjun because we live in the same neighborhood." - I said with a very confused face.

"Oh well I forgot that you live in the same neighb... - he was interrupted by the bell - Oh we should get to class then!"

Renjun and I nodded and went into the building, said goodbye to Mark because his classroom is on the other side of the school, walked into our classroom and started talking to our classmates.

"Did you guys hear that we are having a new classmate?" - asked Yeona

"Oh reallyyy?! I hope it's a girl!" - said Jimin.

"Yeah me too." - said Seok.

"She probably wouldn't date you so don't even think about that!" - said Yeona without hesitation.

"Yeah Yeona is right. Until you work on your personality no one will date you." - Jimin backed her up

"The girls have a point" - Renjun said thoughtfully.

"Anyways can you guys tell me more about the new classmate?" - I asked curiously.

"All I know is that they are from a top class family and they used to live around here but moved away for some reason" - said Jimin as it was just common to know everything about everyone.

"Thank you but that's really not that much." - I said kinda disappointed.

"GUYS! THE TEACHER IS COMING!!!" - Haechan yelled from the door. He is also one of my friends. Actually I think he introduced me to Mark.

"Everyone please sit down, I don't want to start the week with getting yelled at by a teacher" - said Renjun, once again in a tired tone in his voice.

Everyone moved to their seats. I was sitting alone in the back of the classroom but I didn't mind it because next to me was the only free seat in the classroom so the new kid is going to sit next to me.

The teacher walked in and she was kinda excited but she was trying not to show it. I noticed it right away because I can read people very well.

"Good morning everyone! It's nice to see your lively faces! I hope your weekend was good. We have a new student today!"

"Is she pretty?!" - Seok said for no one's surprise.

"Haha, very pretty... " - the teacher answered with a weird tone in her voice.

Everyone was getting excited for meeting the new "she" apparently. Except for me. The "she" didn't fit well with me.

"Come in!" - said the teacher.

The door opened, he stepped in and my heart skipped a beat. It was him. After all those years. He was really there.

"Oh my god it's him" - I said out loud.

"Do you know him?" - Renjun asked me but I didn't hear it from the shock I was in.

"Class this is-" - the teacher tried to say but I interrupted her.

"Na Jaemin." - I finished the sentence then went quiet.

Hi to my friends because probably no one else will read this. How are y'all doing?

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