I Need You

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Henry, Ellie, & Charles are all at General Galeforce's tent, coming up with a plan to stop the Toppats. They thought of everything, but couldn't think of one single plan.

Now you're probably wondering, what's going on? Well, let me explain.

You see, a whole month has passed since Team Triple Threat (the team name of Henry, Ellie, and Charles) took down the Toppats and stopped their plans for launching their orbital station.

However, Reginald and his Right Hand Man has escaped from prison, (how is unknown) and came up with a brand new plan to launch their orbital station. Team Triple Threat and the Government had one chance to stop them, but ultimately failed.

Now the Toppat Orbital Station has now launched, and that made the Toppats super strong, but that didn't mean that Team Triple Threat and the Government would give up. They still had that hope that they would defeat the Toppats.

And now, here's where we're at. The team and Galeforce were coming up with a plan to defeat the Toppats, but they couldn't think of anything.

"I know! How about I crash my helicopter into the orbital station?" Charles suggested.

"For the last time Charlie, that won't work." Galeforce told Charles.

"Come on general! It will work! Heck, this could be the greatest plan!" Charles exclaimed.

Galeforce only groaned. "At this rate, we'll never come up with a plan to defeat the Toppats." He said.

"Don't worry, general. I'm positive that we'll think of an amazing plan to defeat the Toppats!" Henry said, keeping Galeforce's spirits high.

"You're right, Henry. You're always right." Galeforce said.

"I got it! I'll crash my helicopter into the orbital station!" Charles exclaimed, thinking he got the greatest plan. (When in actuality, it's the only plan he has)

"DAMMIT CHARLIE!" Galeforce yelled. Henry only giggled, but then his attention was focused on Ellie.

Ellie has been quiet during all of this. Henry was so confused. Why was Ellie this quiet? She's never been this quiet before.

Ellie then left the tent, which made Henry even more confused. Hoping to get some answers, Henry left the tent.

"Ellie, what's going on?" Henry asked. But Ellie remained silent. He was so confused. He wanted to know why Ellie was this quiet, when suddenly...

"It's my fault." Ellie said sorrowfully.

"What?" Henry asked confused.

"It's my fault that the Toppat Orbital Station launched. I would've stopped the launch if I should've followed along with the plan, but instead I didn't follow along with it, and now the station launched because of me. I'm thinking that maybe I'm bad luck. And if I leave, the bad luck will go away." Ellie explained.

Henry was shocked. He can not believe that Ellie thinks herself as bad luck and that she's blames herself for the failure on stopping the Toppats.

"Ellie, you're not bad luck." Henry told Ellie.

"But I am! It's my stupidity and my bad luck that we didn't defeat the Toppats! Now their more powerful, and it's all because of me!" Ellie said, breaking down crying.

Henry walked up and grabbed Ellie's hands. "Listen Ellie, I know that you're blaming yourself for all of this, but you can't leave us." Henry said.

"Why? All I do is just cause trouble for the team. So why do I need to stay if all I do is mess up and ruin everything?" Ellie asked, with tears in her eyes.

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