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This is inspired by Fly Me to The Moon by Frank Sinatra

School, eat, homework, spending time on his own or with his friends, and sneaking out at 10 pm to go to his favorite spot on the ocean is the blonde boy's everyday life. He's lucky his mother hasn't caught him yet or else, it won't be a nice conversation.

Lee Felix wasn't having any of that today. He stayed up yesterday night looking at the stars 'till 3 am, causing him to fall asleep during some of his classes. Of course, that didn't get unnoticed by his teachers, and got 2-3 hours of detention. Then, during lunchtime, he accidentally spilled some of his cranberry juice on a girl's shirt. She started screaming about how her favorite shirt got ruined and how Felix will pay for that. When in reality, she made him buy her coffee after school.

Felix checked the time on his phone, reading 11 pm, he put on his shoes before sneaking to his bedroom window. He kinda scratched his hand as he landed but luckily it wasn't bleeding or anything. The blonde male let out a small smile as he heard the ocean close by. Just the soft sound of the waves and wind calms him down, especially when he's homesick.

As he walked up to his spot, he heard soft music nearby. He spotted a guy with a guitar, softly singing to himself. He had black pajama pants and a red hoodie. His blue hair reminded Felix of the midnight sky. He couldn't see his face since he was facing the ocean though. The song the guy was singing sounded familiar. That's when the blonde realized, it was an old tone he used to sing with his father before...

Felix was thinking about whether he should approach the male. So, that's exactly what he did. He quietly walked over to the male and sat down next to him. The unknown guy, on the other hand, didn't realize he had company.


Jisung couldn't take it anymore. First, his boyfriend of 2 years breaks up with him, then he comes home to his parents fighting even though it's normal by now.

'What did I do in my life to deserve this?'

That's why he decided to sneak out. He usually sneaks to the park near his house but he decided to go somewhere different today. The ocean. He doesn't know why he suddenly felt like going there. It felt as if a string was pulling him towards it.

Getting a better grip on his guitar, Jisung ran to the first giant rock that caught his eye. As soon as Jisung sat down, he started his favorite tune that he used to sing to his ex-boyfriend every time they needed comfort. Without him knowing, tears started falling in between the song.

"Why is a cute guy like you crying in the middle of the night?" a deep voice spoke, startling Jisung. He swore he never screamed so loudly before. The other boy flinched before calming the blue-haired boy down.

"Sorry, you scared me," Jisung apologized. Felix reassured him that it was okay before sitting there in silence; just enjoying each other's presence. "You know, you didn't answer my question," the blonde boy chuckled.

'Wow his voice is freaking deep'

Jisung debated whether he should spill out his feelings to a random stranger or not say anything. But he needed to stop bottling up his feelings, according to Changbin, so spilled his heart out to this attractive stranger.

"Well, I guess we both had a bad day, huh?" the guy who introduced himself as Felix, chuckled. "What happened to you, if you don't mind me asking," Jisung asked, letting the boy know that he doesn't have to speak if he didn't want to.

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