ChApTeR. 1

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Knives P.O.V-

I watched Gwynne sleep peacefully, she had long dark brown hair and a pale complexion, she was short and normal sized. I needed to keep her safe from all dangers, she was my best friend and I couldn't let anyone bully or hurt her in anyway. I walked to her window and looked outside and stared at the full moon, I'm a Neko and a mass serial killer, I love my job, but at first I was scared of them finding me at my two story hideout, it was hidden in the woods and mostly covered by trees and outgrown vines. It was my parents house but then they were killed, I was only 4 years old when that happened, from then on i always took care of myself, I learned how to hunt and break into houses undetected... I looked down at her beautiful garden, I was tempted to jump out her window in her second story house and get her favorite flowers... I walked over to her and I grabbed her phone, unlocked it then set an alarm for school tomorrow, she was always late for school. I looked at her one last time then I jumped out her window and landed in her mom's favorite flower bush.
"I hope no one saw me do that" I said as i silently ran to my other friends house, my tail flicked side to side as I ran to Violet's house. I needed to watch over her too. Her house came into sight, I ran over to one story house, but it had a basement. I ran over to her window and picked the lock on her window then I climbed inside her room, she was peacefully sleeping.
"Happy 18th birthday Violet" I whispered then I walked over to her and pulled out a small purple box. "I hope you like it" I set the box on her bedside table, she had her own room and it was colored purple and had posters of all kinds of rock bands... I looked at her for a while, her long dirty blonde hair and she always wore black and purple glasses, and she was normal height and size, she had palish skin. I took her glasses off her face and set them down next to her present. "I promise I will kill anyone hurts you in anyway" I said as I walked over to her window, I looked at her one last time then I climbed out the window then locked it. " I should be getting back home now" I looked at the sky, it was no longer nighttime and it was dawn now. I silently ran towards the woods with my tail flicking side to side, I tucked my ears into my black hoodie. " why the hell is it so windy outside?" I had to run faster because the sun was shining brighter and brighter each passing minute.

~TiMe SkIp~

I finally reached my house in the heart of the woods, I ran over to well hidden house then unlocked the door and went inside. "fuck, I didn't sleep at all!!" I walked upstairs into my room and plugged in my phone then I smelled something. "I smell like blood and sweat" i said to myself as I walked over to my window and looked outside, I didn't live that far from a clean lake, no one every goes into the woods or the lake. I walked to my closet then picked out my outfit for the day today; a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a band tee, knee high striped socks, a pair of black converse, and my favorite navy blue hoodie. I grabbed my phone then put on my headphone and put my playlist on shuffle. Then I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel then got my clothes then went outside. I walked over to the clean lake then started undressing. I kicked off my blue converse, then I tore off my black hoodie, then shirt and skinny jeans. "I hope the water isn't cold" I dipped my toe into the water, it felt nice. I unplugged my headphones then put my phone's volume all the up. "Fuck this song creates sexual tension" Closer by nine inch nails started playing. I set my things on a tree stump then walked over to the lake again. I started to swing my hips side to side and sing along.
"I wa-" -a pair of hands grabbed my hips.-
"I wanna fuck you like a animal" he whispered into my ear. My tail puffed up then I ran out of his grip.
" WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I yelled at him, I still didn't turn around to look at him. "I'm a day mare dressed as a night dream" he said sarcastically. My tail flicked side to side. This guy is getting on my nerves... I turned around to look at him. He had neon green hair and he had the jaw of a skull on a bandana covering the bottom half of his face, he had potion bottles with different colors inside them, on his belt which hung loosely around his hips, and he had black combat boots on, he had green shirt and black leather jacket, he had fingerless gloves on. He had his hood covering the top of his head.

"I'm going to kill you, fucking dumbass!" I ran over to the stump where my clothes were.

"Looking for these sweets?" He held up my clothes and hoodie that had my gloves.

"GIVE IT TO ME MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled at him a was outraged.

"Heh heh, give what to you exactly?" He smirked then looked at me.

"what the hell are you looking at?!" I yelled at him.Then I slowly started walking towards him

"You do realize you are almost entirely naked right?" He started checking me out then he bit his lip.

My anger quickly vanished and was replaced with curiosity.
"what do you me-" I looked down and saw I was just in my underwear and bra. "Fuck!" I blushed bright red and tried to cover myself as much as I could.

"Heh heh, you look good, you shouldn't be ashamed of your body sweets" he said as he walked closer to me.
I froze in my place. I couldn't run away because I don't have clothes on and he might just run after me. I thought to myself as he getting closer then pretty soon he was standing in front of me.
"You know, I'm just like you Knives" he took off his hood then I saw his ears, they were neon green like his hair. I stared at his ears for a while then I pulled the collar of his leather jacket down.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" He asked me as leaned over to touch his ears.

"How else was I gonna touch your ears? Your too fucking tall me!"I said to him as grabbed his ears, I started to slowly stroke them.

"Stop that!" He demanded. "Why?" I asked him.

"Because I said so" he said as he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around him then he stood up.

"I don't care" I said as I continued stroking his ears. Soon after that he started purrrring, I smiled. "Awwww your purrrring!" I said to him. He angrily grumbled to himself then he put his arms around my waist.
I stopped stroking his ears. "Aw why'd you stop?" He said then he buried his face in my chest.

"Because I ha-" he buried his face into my chest, I blushed bright red again. "w-what are doing?!" I asked him then I unwrapped my legs from his waist.

"I couldn't resist" he said muffled. I grabbed his ears then I pulled them backwards.

"FUCK!! Why the hell did you do that to me!?" He said angrily at me then his ears went backwards. I looked at him then grabbed my clothes off the ground then I grabbed my phone. "Because I can!" I say to him as I get changed into my clean clothes.

"I was just trying to have some fun Knives!" He said as he watched me get dressed. He put his hood back over his head. I finished getting dressed then started walking away towards my house.

"Hey where are you going?" He asked me then he started following me. I rolled my eyes then kept walking.

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