What's this about?

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You're probably wondering why I even bother sharing my thoughts with the world, but I'm just giving it a shot. Comment what you want to hear my opinions on, and I'll do a chapter on it. Please don't hate, because remember, these are just my opinions and thoughts. None of this will be made up, it'll all be my real thoughts or what's really happening. I'll try to make it interesting, though, it's not just going to be some boring diary. REMEMBER THIS: THIS IS NOT A BORING DIARY WHERE I CAN POUR OUT MY FEELINGS. Btw, I'm American and I live in the South, so that'll explain any way of talking or words that might sound wierd to you. And, I'm a loyal and faithful Christian who believes in the Bible and the one and only true Jesus Christ. So, yeah, a lot of my opinions will be based on my religion. Well, tune in for the first chapter whatever it will be.


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