Hey there...

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Hey. You made it. Welcome.

Before you keep reading, keep in mind these are my own personal thoughts. Real things that I struggle with, as well as others I'm sure. This is in no way meant to romantasize struggles that others face and or make fun of mental health. It is a very real struggle, one that people tent to play with and or make fun of. Some people will never have the understanding or experience to say that someones feelings aren't valid. To say that they are just doing it for attention. To stand there and mock someone for feeling the way they do. I know that everything you are feeling, is real. It is valid. I feel some of the same things.

I am writing this to show you that you aren't alone. I needed an outlet to express my feelings in a very real way. Maybe this will help you. Maybe it wont. And just maybe you will keep reading, and maybe you won't. It is all up to you.

Now that all of that is on the table, welcome to my mind. The ghost inside of my head...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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