the story

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As the world slams setbacks in my face I keep on powering through. The world may have caused me to lose the only girl who has shown any interest in me but I have started to hunt for a stronger minded girl who can deal with my crazy energy and forgetfulness. The other day I was pushed off the climbing frame and nearly broke my ankle. That's not an exaggeration, the hospital said I could have severely broken it but luckily I didn't. That is another example of the world trying to start a war with me. It doesn't want one with any of the other people who live on this world. The beast has also almost made me lose my place to my dreams- the school for people gifted with sports talent. There are 5 different schools around the country but one has just been built in my area meaning I finally have a chance of accomplishing my dreams. However the world nearly lost my place by making all the school bullies gang up on my when I was posting my letter saying I would love to go to the school of my dreams. Once they had cornered me they snatched the letter from my hands and tore it into tiny bits. I saw a gap to get out and sprinted. As I am one of the fasted people in school I easily broke away from them. I ran home grabbed the spare letter I had written in case something bad had happened to the other one- which it did- and ran to the other letter box near me. I will battle in the world war that is with me and only me and I will win because I am resilient and can adapt to whatever change the world throws at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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