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Riley had just pulled up with her parents right behind her as Xerxes and his started to make their way into the house with the movers. Suddenly, Xerxes felt Riley jump onto this back, making him hesitant to catch her and then quickly grab her legs.

"I almost dropped your ass, Ri," He said, chuckling as she jumped down, pulling Xerxes into a kiss, making Rodney scrunch up his face before yelling.

"EWWWWW, THAT'S NASTY!" Rodney yelled, seeing his daughter kiss Xerxes, making everyone chuckle.

"Dad," She sighed. "Why?" Riley said, laying her head on his shoulder.

"That's payback for interrupting my kisses with my woman." He said, and she chuckled.




About thirty minutes later, the movers were getting Riley things off the truck as Xerxes noticed the girl helping the men like it wasn't their jobs to move the shit in.

"Riley, you know we are paying them to move the shit in, right?" Xerxes asked Riley as she was trying to help the moving place her thing in their room. Both their parents were laughing at the girl and how eager she was to get into her own place. Hell, Xerxes couldn't blame her because he was ready to.

After about three hours of moving, Riley and Xerxes were finally in their new home, so were both sets of twins. Lucas decided to wait until he returned in a few weeks which was okay with Xerxes, but he still didn't know why the man was going back to Germany. He lied, telling them that he had to help their mom and dad with some shit neither of them knew nothing about, but the back of Xerxes, he believed it had something to do with a girl.

"Make sure you kill them all."

"I'm not too sure about this Veah. What if he finds out? You know the fool is fucking crazy."

"Lucas, we are doing him a favor, remember that."

Xerxes had just walked around the corner to his siblings, whispering something about him he was sure of. The question was, what were the two of them up to? Why was the shit secretive? And what did he have to do with him?

He knew one person that could answer that from him, and that was Neveah's twins as he sought out to find which he didn't in the living room with Riley, Melody, and Elijah sitting laughing and talking among one another.

X smiled, walking up, bending over, kissing Riley on top of the head before walking around sitting beside her.

"Heav, tell me, what your twin and Lucas up to?" He asked, making Riley cock an eyebrow looking over at him.

"How the fuck should I know?"

"Because she is your twin and to tell each other everything and do almost everything together."

Everyone looked at one another, but only Xerxes and Riley were in the fucking dark about what they were up to.

"X, chill, you probably overreacting like you always do."

"No, I am not. She was talking about killing them all, and Lucas was unsure about the situation. I am not fucking stupid nor crazy. So, tell me, what the fuck all you are up to?"

"Baby, maybe it's ain't--"

"No, Riley, they are doing shit behind my back that is going to fuck us up in the end. Start fucking talking."

Elijah sighed, looking over at Heaven and Melody. Both were shaking their heads no as he gave them a sad face.

"They are killing Taylor, and the rest of them are going to China to finish off the Chinese Mafia so you can stay here longer with Riley."

Next in Line (Monarch of the Kohler Mafia) Book 5 of the Köhler SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now