The Beginning.

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You start to drift off to sleep. Right when you close your eyes,
A notification coming from your phone. You pick up your phone, Seeing what the notification was from.
"Hey Shortie 😏"
It was from tsukishima, Your childhood friend. You start to type as you smile softly..         "What now? 🙄"
You close your eyes for a second, But right then you hear another.                                                        *DING*
Your eyes open, Looking at your phone.               "Your just mad that your short 😂"
You type,
"WhY yOu GoTtA bE sO rUdE~~?? DoNt YoU kNoW iM hUmAn ToO~~??"
You wait for Tsukishimas message.
*DING*                                                                     "What? I'm just telling the truth 😗✌🏼".
You set your phone down, And start heading to the kitchen. You just wanted a snack, Like a Apple or a Orange.
After you got back to your room, You plopped back on your bed, Looking at your phone.
You checked yours and Tsukishimas text messages, And saw that there's a new message he sent. You read the message.
"Btw, What are you doing up?"
You get confused with his message, And texted back.
You wait for his message, While snacking on the Apple you got from the kitchen.
"It's a school night-"
You didn't know you could get more confused, But you did. You start to type back.
"Yeah, And?"
Right as you were gonna take another bite out of the Apple,
You turn your eyes back to the phone.
"..Check the time-"
You check the time, Without any questions. You freeze. You blink a couple times, Before realizing what happened. It was "6:30" Then you scream. You don't have to worry about your mom waking up, Because shes on a business trip.

End, Of Charpter 1.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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