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Kian's POV: I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling fan as it went around and around in circles. it was hard to breathe i was all by myself being beat on by my emotions. I laid there crying my eyes out hoping i would calm myself down somehow. I thought what if one of the O2L boys came home what would they think im doing? They would probally think im dying which i am in my own mind basically. My emotions kill me inside and its a living hell.

 You are probally wondering who i am. I'm Kian Robert Lawley...I'm a pretty famous youtuber (not to sound cocky) because i am in a collab group with 5 other guys. im really tall and really skinny. I have an ex girlfriend i am still madly in love with. I was laying on my bed crying because i had just recieved a text from Andrea saying she hated me and for me to never talk to her again. it really hurts knowing you cant be happy around the person you love the most. Its so hard to have the love of your life hate you. I texted back Andrea and asked what i did to deserve this. We broke up because she cheated on me with Kenny H.

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