Tako Sango's Hatred for All Might Orgin

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First: Tako(octopus)

Last: Sango(coral)

Trigger Warnings:

Blood, Violence, Death, and Other Injuries

What a dreary day. The sky was grey and the wind made trees dance to a silent beat that only they could hear, the silence outside was lived short when the pitter patter of raindrops against the pavements and sidewalks started. At first slow then at a rapid pace. A downpour. Still Tako Sango walked down the water filled street with her parents following close behind as they spoke about dinner plans and who would be the one to cook for the night. They had always been close together, that's how it had been since Tako's birth. It only became stronger when her little brother was born. They were actually on their way to pick up Ichiro from a family friend's house and to grab groceries for dinner. But Tako was just off in her own world as usual.

Tako hadn't been paying a bit of attention to her parent's conversation, just like any middle schooler. Something had caught her attention though, an old lady trying to cross the road though it looked like she was struggling with groceries and a cane. Tako smiled and ran over, even when her parents called to her, she gently took the groceries from the woman and offered her arm to the old lady then helped her get to the other side. The lady was in the middle of thanking the girl when she was cut off by Ika's screaming. A villain was coming at them, and fast followed by a certain blonde hero that everyone knew. Tako stood frozen in front of the lady, only to be swept up by this chainsaw villain. The purple tentacled girl screamed and tried to escape, kicking and hitting his fist. She stopped her struggle however when she let out a cry of pain when the villain squeezed her which resulted in an ear piercing crack as her ribs broke. Without thinking or saying anything, and against her husband's will, Ika ran over in an attempt to save her daughter.

The blonde hero saw it all, and trying to fight a villain while watching out for three civilians seemed to prove difficult. Ika punched and hit the villain, which had little to no effect. Though one thing got under his skin, she squirted ink in his eyes. He dropped Tako and stumbled back as he rubbed his eyes roughly, screaming "You bitch!!I'll kill you for that!!". And before the hero could stop him, his chainsaw ripped through her body. Piercing completely through her chest and out her back, her blood coating him and her daughter before the rain diluted the blood that had splattered against the floor as she fell. Dead and limp in a puddle of her own bloody water. Tako screamed in despair, crawling over to her mother while her father blankly stared from the other side of the road.

The fight didn't end there however, the blonde hero was attempting to hit Toxic Chainsaw who seemed to be dodging with no effect from All Might. All Might went to lunge forward to get a blow to the villain, but in his attempt to be flashy for the crowd that had begun to watch, he slipped and missed. Worst mistake ever. The villain shoved his chainsaw into the left side of the hero's chest, then swiftly pulled it off and made a quick escape while All Might tried to get back up.

The rain poured as sirens blared, a blur in Tako's mind as her and All Might were rushed to the hospital and they took her deceased mother away, Tako wanted to stay by her mother. She wanted her back, to somehow bring her back from the one thing that spared no one. But she didn't have the strength to fight back, her crushed ribs making it hard for her to breath or move. She was helpless. All she could do was hold her fathers hand as he weeped for all the pain they had gone through on this dreary day.

She would never forgive him for this, for letting her mother die.

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