Part 18

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You and Luke get up. You follow the doctor to the room. 

Doctor: Lay on the bed please 

Luke helps you on the bed and you lay down. You lift up your shirt showing your belly bump. 

Doctor: Third child, You two must be really active 

Luke: Yup, It's a boy right 

Doctor: We'll see 

The doctor places the gel on your stomach. He gets the machine ready. You close your eye as he looks to see if it's a boy or a girl. 

Doctor: I think I see something 

You open your eyes. Luke is staring at the screen. 

Luke: I don't see anything 

Doctor: Right there, It's a.....Boy 

Luke: I knew it 

Y/N: I told you....Now we can leave and I can go back to sleep 

Luke: Your not going back to sleep 

Y/N: Watch me 

The doctor removes the gel from your stomach. You pull your shirt down and sit up. 

Doctor: You good to go 

Luke helps you down. You take his hand and you two walk out. You two walk out into a crowd of paparazzi's. Luke holds you close to him as you two walk to the car. He walks you to the passenger side and you get in. Luke walks over and get in as he did someone pulled on him. Luke looked to see who it was. 

Girl: I'm sorry, but I was wondering if I can get your...... 

The girl was pushed down but a big guy who wanted to get a picture of you and your stomach. Luke helps her up. 

Luke: Where's your parents 

The girl looks down. 

Girl: I live down the street....I saw the big crowd......

Luke: Get in, I'm taking you home 

The girl climbs in through the drives side and into the back seat. 

Y/N: Buckle up sweetie 

The girl buckles up and smiles at you. 

Luke: What's you name 

Girl: Emily 

Luke: Cute name 

Emily: What are you having a boy or a girl 

Y/N: Boy 

Luke: Okay, what house it yours 

Y/N: I'm guess the house with the cops out side of it and a crying mom 

Luke: You didn't tell your parents you left....How old are you 

Emily: I'm nine 

Y/N: Child what is wrong with you 

Luke pulls up behind thec cops car and gets out. You get out too and open the door for Emily. Her mom eyes widen and she runs to Emily. She swoops her up in her arms and swings her around. 

Her mom: What happen 

Luke: She got curious and decided to take a look at the big crowd down at the hospital 

Her mom: Emmie is this true 

Emily: I'm sorry 

She looked down and pouted. 

You rub your stomach to chill down the movements that your baby boy is making. Luke looks at you. 

Her mom: Wait your Luke and Y/N Hemmings 

You smile. 

Luke: Yes, we are

You here a scream and a teen age girl run out the house to Luke. You just stand there and watch. You sigh and get back into the car. You pat your stomach and lean back in the seat. You close your eyes. You place your had on your stamch and he moves to your hand. You smile the car door opens and Luke gets in.

Luke: Hungry

Y/N: No

Luke: Your going to eat

Y/N: I'm sleepy Luke can't I just sleep

Luke: Yes, after you eat

Y/N: Fine

 Luke takes you to a restaurant. 

Man: Hi, I'm Mike. Follow me to your table 

He smiled at you and you smile back. Luke pulls you close to him. You look up at him and he was looking at Mike. He leads you to a table by the window. Luke sits you down and pushes you in. Then he sits. 

Mike: Heres your menu. What would you like to drink 

Y/N: Sweet tea please 

Luke: Same 

Mike: Okay, I'll go get your drinks while you look at the menu 

He smiles and walks off. 

Luke: I don't like him 

Y/N: Why 

Luke: Because he is smiling at what is mine 

You blushes and smile. 

Y/N: If I'm yours then why are you worring about it 

Luke: I just don't like when guy look at you smile at you. Only I can do that 

Y/N: You see this ring and this belly bump and the two beautiful kids at home we made. No one can ever take me way from you, Luke 

Mike: That was so sweet. I wish I had a girl like that 

Luke: Look.....

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