Welcome! | Rules

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the Artist Spotlight! Here, each chapter will feature one artist you should go support!

Before I show you how to register to have yourself featured, I need to list a few rules first!

1) No tracers/art thieves. I will not accept your application/I will delete your chapter if someone confirms you are an art thief. Stolen art will not receive any recognition and is looked down upon, and sometimes illegal (depending on whether or not the original artist has copyright over the art). Please make sure to submit your own original work.

2) No gore or NSFW. When submitting art, do not submit gore or NSFW. I also do not tolerate ab*se, r*pe, p*dophilia, inc*st, or anything of the sort. No racist, sexist, heavily religiously influenced/anti-religious, or political art.

3) Redraws, DTIYS, and art of other people/their characters are allowed. Just make sure to include your own original work, and credit the original artist if it is a redraw/DTIYS of their art.

4) Any medium is allowed. Paintings, sketches, digital art: It is allowed. Just make sure it's your own original work.

5) Keep your art up-to-date. No old art, as it does not show people your current art, which will be supported. And also, what is the point of showing old art, as it does not reflect how you draw now?

6) Each artist may only be featured once. No alternate accounts. If you wish to change your featured art/details about yourself, tell me through DMs/Message board/comment and I will republish your chapter after changes have been made.

7) Be patient. If several artists are wanting to be featured, I will do my best to have them all featured as quickly as possible. I will usually try to feature 6 artists at a time, but after that, I will feature another 6, and so on.

Thank you for reading the rules! The next chapter shows you how to register!

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