Narry Fluff

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Hey there! This all belongs to me and it might kill your Narry heart? Idk. (;


My heart skipped a beat as his hand rested on my shoulder, "Yeah! We can't wait for our 2013'll be great to see all our beautiful fans again."

He said each word to flawlessly, pausing at just the right time to flash his award-winning smile. The girls in tumblr and twitter are probably dying at the moment. #Narry will be trending by the end of the night, I know it.

"Thanks for the details, Harry! That's all the time we have. Lets give a big goodbye to One Direction," Miranda - the hostess - grinned. A buzzer blared and everyone began to walk off set. We all stayed and stared at each other. I felt like I was about to cry. Miranda had brought up our Xtra - factor days and every memory came flooding back. The first time I ever touched Harry and when we all got out together. So many good and bad memories.

"Niall, you okay mate?" Harry asked, snapping me back to the present. I saw all eyes on me and I chuckled, "Just re-living old memories."

Harry sighed and wrapped his arm around my waist, "Me too, buddy."

My stomach erupted and my heart went crazy. I fought back a blush and playfully bumped shoulders with him, "Lets go out, yeah?"

Louis and Zayn cheered their agreement and Liam smirked at the two, excitement in his eyes. We all turned to Harry, expectantly. Instead of immediately answering, his eyes glazed over and his face went pale. Worry settled deep in my stomach.

"H-Harry?" He blinked and turned towards me, his green eyes a shade darker.

His shrugged, "I don't think I want to go out. I'll just be at the hotel." My heart dropped. I love going out with Harry, he's so good on the dance floor..

"Okay. We'll see ya later then. Get some rest, Haz," Louis grinned, dragging us away from Harry. I felt his arm slip out from my waist and cold seeped in where it once was. I involuntarily shivered and snapped my gaze away from Harry. But his face never left my mind.

The doors flew open and the burning smell of alcohol filled my nose, sending a wave of excitement through me. Music blasted, making my eardrums pound to the loud bass. I watched as Louis' blue eyes clouded over and his feet carried him to the dance floor. Zayn and Liam went right to the bar and began to chat. I couldn't will myself to do anything though. My feet felt like concrete.

Something collided with my ass and I yelped. I spun around to be face to face with a strange girl. "Hey, I know you. You're that Irish lad from One Way, right?"

I crinkled my noise, she reeked of sex. "Uh. It's One Direction," I coughed, trying to back away.

"Don't you leave, baby. I want you," She inched closer, placing her hands on my hips. I smacked them off and glared,

"Well excuse me, but I'd rather you not touch me." She belched and took a small step back, "You gay or sumthin?"

I felt tears stinging my eyes, "My sexuality is none of your concern, lady. "

I took one last glance at the bar to see Liam and Zayn watching me with concern. I clenched my jaw and turned away angrily. I could feel hot tears running down my cheeks as I stormed out of the club. Right now I just need Harry. He's really the only one who can calm me down.

I creaked open the hotel room door and the silence felt loud. It's not normal for it to be this quite. My mind's telling me that something's wrong.

I closed the door and took another step into the darkness, my hands searching the wall for a light switch. The sound of something hit the ground and shattering echoed through the dark. My heart froze and I called out for Harry without realizing it.

I flicked on the light and ran towards the sound. It came from the bathroom.

"Harry?" My voice was barely audible. I could feel every nerve in my body tingling with anxiety. What if Harry's hurt?

"Niall," the voice paused and took a shaky breath, "is that you?" My nerves calmed and I opened the bathroom door. My recently calmed nerves exploded at the sight before me.

Harry was sitting on the toilet lid, blood slowly seeping down his arms. A broken mirror laying around his cut up ankles and feet. Worst of all was the look of helplessness in his eyes.

I walked through the glass and wrapped my arms around him, my body shaking, "Oh god, Harry." Harry fell into my body, crying like a baby and my heart ached.

Not so easily I managed to get Harry into bed, all clean and bandaged. But I know I hadn't healed that look in his eyes. "Harry..Please tell me why?"

Harry avoided my eyes and shrugged. His shoulders sagged lower and his face went even more white, "Niall..I just...I...I hate this. I wish I had never auditioned for the X-Factor! Maybe then I'd have someone who loves me for me! Louis has Eleanor, Liam has Danielle, Zayn has Perrie...I'm tired if being Harry Styles from One Direction. I want to be just plain Harry again.."

I say down next to Harry and wrapped my arms securely around his shoulders, "You listen to me Harry. You are not alone. How do you think I feel, huh? I know what you're going through..but I also know someone who loves you for you.."

Harry looked over to me. His eyes filled with curiosity, "Who?"

"Me." I placed my lips on his and I felt my stomach explode in emotion. It only took a second for Harry to begin kissing back. Warmth flowed through my veins and I could feel the love in the kiss. It ended all to soon though when we both needed air.

"Niall...I.." Harry gasped, breathless. I felt my cheeks burn. Did I really just kiss him?

"Niall, I love you too."

I looked up completely shocked, "Since when?"

Harry's sweet lips connected with mine again, but quickly pulled away, "Since day one."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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