7 Chinese Men

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Vines grow up the trunk of each and every tree. Every plant in the rainforest is at war with each other in a war of sustenance and sunlight. From the dawn of time to the current moment this green war has been raging. The sound of my footsteps through the forest are a contrasting break in the tranquility. Such relaxation is a struggle to get after all that I went through. The war was not kind to me. You do pick up certain things in battle though, your senses are magnified. That feeling you get when being watched or followed is improved, initiated by tiny changes in air pressure, hard to hear sounds and distant engines.

So you could imagine my surprise when in the middle of a deep forest hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest town I feel such a sense. No, there is no way, they found me. The unmistakable sound of a V6 Jeep Wrangler engine humming away in the distance is all I need to know. There was nowhere to run to all I can do is hide. Closer, closer, closer I sit atop a tree branch ready for what is to come. My .303 hunting rifle is never going to be enough but it's all I have so I'll use it.

They're practically below me. I start analyzing the situation. They come out of the Jeep each holding some kind of sub-machine gun, mp-5s possibly. 7 men in total, of asian heritage most likely Chinese. Just as I thought, CCP agents. "我们知道你在这里" One says, I line up my rifle and squeeze slowly, "CRACK" the shot hits one right below the hairline. "扩散;传播开" One yells. As I line up my second shot one spots me in the tree, "他在那" he screams, now all six are firing at me they empty their mags.

Falling now, everything goes fuzzy before I fall unconscious.

A fox and wild dog are in a conflict not far from where I fell, they each lose interest in each other and wander off. One of the men is searching my bag, he finds my lunch, a slice of chocolate cake he takes it, splits it among the other five and eats it. I was out collecting poisonous berries for tipped arrows so I can imagine that somehow when I fell they were squashed and the juices must have managed to seep into the cake. What are the chances? The Soldiers all drop to the floor lifeless and still. I come to and see the aftermath and can think of nothing to but stare.

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