Chapter-17 (Letter from royal kingdom)

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On the other side of the world,

"Doctor! How is my daughter's condition? She has been in coma for at least 4 months! And what did happen this morning?" a lady shouted to a doctor who just came out from the emergency operation room.

"I am sorry, madam. Your daughter, Holly Rose is..." the doctor shook his head a little bit.

"We tried our best but the patient was bleeding so much from her brain cell which she was damaged from the accident." the nurse explained.

"And now we are asking if you want to...unplug the oxygen for her...? It would be for her own good, madam. She has no chance to survive that her brain cell is completely dead..." the doctor asked.

"So, that means my Holly wont ever wake up from coma...? Is that sure?" Holly's mom asked with a heartbreaking voice.

The man beside him hugged her. It is Holly's father. "Honey, it is hard to accept but our daughter will be just tired... we need to let her rest in peace..." he was sad and heartbroken to say but wanted to make a right decision.

"Sir, if my daughter doesn't wake up within a week, we would agree to unplug the oxygen for her. Just one week." he said.

"Its okay, sir. Take your time" the doctor said and left.

Holly Rose has no chance to wake up.

What can she do?

Soon, it will be the end of her life. She has to be locked in Maria's body forever?

But where is the real Maria Clover?

Back at Leos family mansion,

"Mr.Clover, what did your daughter do?!" Mr.Leos was angry.

"What magic song did she learn?! Thats the most powerful note in the world!" the king was curious.

"Well, I let her sing and learn the notes when she was little but I don't know how did she know the dangerous notes!" Mr.Clover said.

"Now, we are gonna lose the war and Felix is now allied with Daniel! They are so powerful now! And the thing is they have Maria who can use and control the dangerous note that can wipe out millions of us in a second!" the king said.

"We have a way, old friends. My son and she are still married, right?" Mr. Leos smiled.

Back to warewolves kingdom.

We were having dinner together with Daniel's family and then telling jokes and playing games.

Then, a soldier came inside. "Your majasty, the letter from royal kingdom." he gave to Daniel.

Daniel read it and got angry.

"These evil people!" he pounded the table so hard as he was angry.

"Why? Give me the paper" Felix took a look.

He read aloud.

"Dear King Felix,
You kidnapped my daughter, Maria Clover and forced her to use the magic note that can cause her to death if she was weak. I hope you will sincerely apologize or we will sue you and importantly, give our daughter back who is married to Cameron Leos that isn't appropriate to hide someone else wife.

By, Clover and Leos family.
To: Warewolves kingdom. "

He tore the paper up and said "This is too much!" he shouted. "Maria, let's go to the royal kingdom tomorrow for a divorce." he said and left.

Everything is complicated now. Even if we ask for divorce, they wouldn't agree!

The only way is if Cameron would agree for it...

The next day,

Felix and I have to go to royal kingdom.

"Let's go" he said.

"Wait, how will we go?" I asked him.

"With horse" he looked at me.
"Do you think like I will turn into dragon and fly, like in fairy tales" he sarcastically answered.

"That was exactly what I thought!" I sarcastic back.

7 hours later, we arrived to royal kingdom.

"Let's eat something first!" I have him advice.

"No, dragons don't eat human food." he coldy answered.

"Hey! That you don't wanna eat doesn't mean I can't eat too! Let me eat! I am starving!" I begged.

"Fine!" he said.

In the cafeteria,

I ordered my favorite pasta and ready to eat but I saw someone I have seen before.

"Isn't that Cameron and Ella?" I told Felix.

He looked where I was looking.

"Yea-" he answered.

"Well, then it is a great opportunity!" I winked at Felix and got up from place.

"Maria! Waht are you gonna do!" he was shocked.

"Shh! I have a plan!" I told him.

"Cameron! Ella!" I shouted.

"Maria?" Ella was surprised and they walked near me.

"We were actually-" she was telling but I interrupted what she was gonna say.

"Nice to meet you guys here! How about we do double date? That would be exciting!" I clumsily told.

Felix rolled his eyes.

"You aren't mad at me...?" Ella asked.

"Not at all! Why would I be?! And also here, Felix! I think you two have known him." I was being talkative.

The double date went well and my plan is to make Cameron and Ella my allies.

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