14 | Bearquake

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—You should leave like that. Run and transform where you can, also you might look for Viperion.     —Cat Noir told Marinette
—How can I get out of here without being seen?
—I will help you.

Cat Noir suggested Marinette to get to the next street. He lift her and helped her to get to the other side.
—I will take care of Ursa but I can't control her for a long time. You better hurry up.

Marinette took Cat Noir's advice and started running, while Cat Noir went out of the alley. —Where are you? I want to know your identities.       —Bearquake said openly

She found Cat Noir.
—Where is Ladybug?
—Don't worry about her. I see you are not being bear-y polite today.
—Save your bad jokes when I take away your miraculous. You will be the first one.

Cat Noir dodged her moves as long as he could. Ladybug and Viperion weren't there yet.
—Lottie, can you give me a paw?
—Okay, I 'll try.

Lottie Lup had never used her special power until that day.

Lottie Lup froze her akumatized friend.
—Are you okay?
—Where is Ladybug?
—She went for help. I hope she will be here soon.

But it didn't take too long for her to thaw.
—Lottie, I thought you were on my side. What were you thinking? Non of you can stop me!

Bearquake made the city shake. The civilians went out of their houses totally scared.
—Calm down, Ursa. We are still friends. —Lottie said
—How can you think that when they tricked us!
—Don't involve the whole city in your problems, this is between Ladybug, you and me! —Cat Noir told her
—You are right, Cat. You are the reason why I am akumatized.

Cat Noir and Lottie Lup ran away from her but she was really angry that she hit the floor and this started cracking.
—Don't make her angry, she can end the world if she want! —Lottie told Cat Noir
—I will keep my promise, Cat Noir. You will be the first one to show me your identity.
—No way.
—There's no other option.

The villain took Cat Noir from the tail to stop him.
—Let's find out who is behind that mask... —She added

Lottie couldn't do anything to help Cat Noir in that moment, so Bearquake took his ring.
—Adrien?! I didn't expect that.

—Impossible... —Hawk Moth from his place said

When it seemed there was no hope, Ladybug and not just Viperion, Rena Rouge and Carapace stepped in too. Luckily, Viperion activated the bracelet when he transformed.
—Second chance!

Ladybug and him appeared outside Luka's house, when they were about to leave.
—Hurry up, Ladybug. She is about to take Cat Noir's ring!
—So, Can't I ask Carapace and Rena Rouge to come?
—There's no enough time.

They ran as fast as they could but they couldn't rescue Cat Noir. Viperion had to try a couple of times to figure out how to help him.

He put a video of him playing the guitar in a speaker out loud to take Bearquake's attention.
—What are you doing? —Ladybug asked
—You told me Miranda was Ursa Major, right?
—I don't remember telling you but... yes.
—Well. She likes my music so I hope she gets distracted enough so Cat Noir runs away.
—That's a good idea.
—You better start running, Ladybug. Save your Cat. See you in a moment. —Viperion told her

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