The Haunted Water Well

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"This place gives me a jittery feeling," Cindy describes

It was Mid July and approximately 5:00 PM.

The Sun was presently going down behind the tall trees.

Cindy, Chocolate, and Spitfire are the best of friends,

Growing up together,

The threesome holds everything you can imagine in common.

Chocolate and Spitfire are Cousins and Cindy

The neighbor's daughter is known as Spitfire's best friend.

The three always seem to find trouble when they look hard enough.

"I'm telling you guys, there is a ghost that lives in this well!" Spitfire tells

"You see, the guy I've heard this from is

terrorized from his experience, he never leaves his house you never see him in town" Spitfire goes on " His name is Jerry Tucker,

And Jerry saw the ugliest, rotten, scary ghost you could ever imagine inside this Water Well, while he was fetching water for his family."

Chocolate and Cindy glanced at each other,

The two new Spitfire was a jokester,

At times you can't assume everything that comes out of his mouth is the truth.

"How do we suppose to believe you," Cindy questions

"It seems a little far fetched,

Stop trying to scare us," Chocolate says

"Don't just take my word for it." Spitfire shrugs " Peek your head and look down the well you tell me what you see." Spitfire recommends crossing his arms standing back.

"You peek first, Spitfire," Cindy says

"Oh no, no no, Ladies first." Spitfire tuffs, waiting for his friends to become fearless.

"Fine! I'll do it," Spitfire Says and walks Gradually to the Water Well

as Cindy and Chocolate joined in.

"AHHHHH BOOOOO!" Spitfire shrieked, making the two girls fall backward onto the ground "Hahaha" He laughs

Chocolate and Cindy sighs roughly out of frustration.

"Spitfire, you scared me,

STOP IT!!" Cindy answers sternly

Spitfire stood with a grin on his face when suddenly a chilly breeze blew past Him.

"Brrrrr" Spitfire shivers " Did you feel that?" he asks.

"Y-yes." Chocolate agrees.

"Ahh!!! Look" Cindy yells and points into the forest in front of them,

" It's a Ghost," She screams and gets behind Spitfire.

Chocolate follows and steps behind.

Spitfire stood, 50 feet from a blurry, white, and very cold misty silhouette.

The Girls stared over his shoulder, frightened.

When suddenly it disappears

"Did you just see what I have just seen?" Spitfire asks

"Yes, it was the ghost from the Water Well," Cindy shivers in fear

"Let's go,

let's run from here," Chocolate suggests, "Hurry!!"

Spitfire took one last look to the same area the ghost was sighted before trotting away with his friends away from the haunted Well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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