I : Sacrifical Lamb

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Decided to edit this little baby in celebration of the awaited release of the Agatha series. Stay evil witches💓.


She was getting dragged by the citizens while others held burning torches and forks as they tied her to a stake, struggling against her binds.

They'd chant "BURN THE WITCH! BURN THE WITCH!". Throwing hay at her feet as they countinued to yell "BURN THE WITCH!" they waved their torches and forks in the air repeatedly. Sucking in a breath of her, she felt her chest tighten with both fear and anticipation. She spoke out loud enough for all of them to hear.

"I. AGATHA HARKNESS. THE FALLEN WITCH OF ATLANTIS CURSE YOU FROM MY GRAVE! I WILL RETURN AND NOT EVEN YOUR PESKY GOD WILL STOP ME!...it may sound pathetic to some, but this won't be my downfall..I refuse!" Cried out Agatha as they took the torches and lit up the hay. A second. Two. Three. The crackling of fire slowly grew louder and the flames uncontrollable from a sudden burst of wind.

All she felt was consuming rage before she released a blood curling scream, the fire had begun to eat at her skin, a small strangled sob made it's way out of her throat and one last scream had the citizens drop to the floor, skin and face melting off ever so slowly, her magic as well as the flames consuming them all.

Eyes travelling over the dead bodies , she laughed to herself while the remaining tears continued to stream down her cheeks, her legs had begun to heal with the purple flames before she got out of her binds.

Her gaze fell on a shadowy figure that remains standing on it's two feet. A darkness surrounding it. She stepped off the podium and approached it before she stood more than 10ft away from it and sh got down on her knees, crawling to the figure that stood in front of her. Grabbing onto it's cloak, she kisses it.

"You've done well Agatha.A fire such as this one shall soon terrorize the neighboring villages." Whispered the Devil like creature.

"T-Thank you..Master." Her voice a shaky whisper as he lifted her face, a firm grip onto her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes.

She could feel the air shift around them. Something sinister lies beneath his skin. She knows. She has felt it before. Many many times.

"Such pretty face.." He purred, the hand on her chin leaving to caress her cheek, sharp nail trailing down to her jaw, her throat before he wrapped his hand around it and lifted her off of the floor, squeezing painfully.

"You've become slow. No good comes from you other than just being a toy. Pathetic! You could've been killed.When your son sold your soul to me I've expected better then this.." He let her fall to the ground as she gasped for air trying to stifle a pained whimper. The hand to her throat came to a halt as she looked up at him, face masked with bitterness and cynisme before she laughed. He only shook his head at her new found madness and vanished away.

And it's all that backstabbing cunt's fault. Nicholas Scratch. Her own Son had sold her for power, knowing that her soul was the only thing remaining of her that wasn't under his control. . But she's been doomed ever since.

Agatha slowly stood up on trembling legs, her body shaking like a leaf after the pain that was forced upon her. She muttered a small spell and a portal opened before she stepped in. Silent tears had been streaming down her face as she had a sickening sweet smile that masked away the turmoil within.

She looked back at the Hanging tree in Salem, the corpses of witch women rotting as they dangle like spineless puppets on the tree.

Her smile faltered.

"All men must die, all men must serve. But we are not me. We shall take revenge."


Agatha watched as the twins slowly began to fall asleep on the couch, her heart aching at the sight of such innocence.When she was sure that they were in a deep sleep now, she used her magic to levitate them and took them to the rooms upstairs, laying them on the bed, she covered them with the sheets and tucked them in, putting on a silencing spell around the room, and a little protection spell, just incase. She looked out the window as some distant movement caught her eye, and just like that, Monica and Wanda began arguing. Sighting heavily, she knew things would escalate, and so, she quickly rushed outside.

"Young Lady I think you've over stayed your welcome. It's time for you to leave." She spoke Harshly as she carefully took Wanda away ignoring Monica completely, trying to get the redhead in a secluded area for a talk.

"No! Don't make me hurt you.." said Wanda her voice holding a slight tremble to it. For once Agatha felt bad for the younger woman.

"Alright.."She whispered as she lead her to her house.

As soon as they arrived she sat her at the couch and went to the kitchen to make her tea.

"Where are the twins?" Asked her Wanda worriedly.

"Oh they're probably playing in the basement.." Lied Agatha as she watched her go down stairs, following her closely she undid her hair and grabbed her bunny before she took the other door.

Following Wanda, she watched as the younger woman stopped dead in her tracks, eyes falling on the Satanic statue, eyes wide in fear. And for once, she pitied her. Walking through the door as she patted her bunny , she put on her best smile as Wanda looked at her with utter shock.

"Wanda, Wanda..you didn't think you were the only magical girl in town did you?" She spoke in a faux cheerful tone. With a flick of her wrist the door closed as purple waves floated around her raised hand.

"The name is Agatha Hakrness. Nice to finally meet you dear." She smiled as her eyes glowed purple and so did Wanda's.

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