chapter 1.

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"oh my God,kris these muffins are soooo fucking sweet"kim told me,smiling foolishly at my mom's chocolate cherry vanilla muffins.
i giggled,they were her favourites ever since my mom opened her new bakery in town,that was like so last year.
"aaaw thankyou,for her"
i told her,"you say that all the time and yo acting as though its yo first time eating them bitch"
she does all the time anyway
"cant i eat yo mum"s muffins in peace"she said picking the seventh one.i rolled my eyes.
"YEAAAA,just eat all of them but dont you dare come crying to me when you get fat"i hyped and  warned her shifting my position on the coach.i drank my beer slowly,picturing her fat and ugly,i laughed mentally.

kim and i were besties,
childhood friends actually and lived here
in new york.we were now in our senior year at Bridge of the best high schools in the city.
we were in her house, she had begged me to bring her the muffins before they all got sold out.i had been helping my mom in the shop earlier.
she stayed in spring estate and i,downtown,a little bit further from the shool.

"pssschhh,i wont get fat"she hissed and finished her soda.she giggled and asked,"if i ever got fat,would you still be my friend?"
"NE-VERRRR"i said,
jokingly,she chuckled.
"yo lying"she said,"i know you'd never leave me,you'd stick with me like glue and furthermore,if i ever got fat,i promise you,you'll also be fat beside me",how confidently sure of her.well it was true though.

she took the empty muffin can to the kitchen and came back a second later with her own beer.
"are you staying for dinner"she asked lazily
shoving my legs,
removing me from my comfortable position to sit beside me.
"fuck you kris,i was comfortable"i grudged,she made a funny face at me,"am not staying,av got homework"she cursed,"
but pleasepleaseplease bring me yo mom's desert tomorrow,ok,you know how much i love it"

"noP"she said and i frowned,"if you really love it that much you'll have to stay for diner"
i sighed,rolling my eyes,"you know i cant,just bring me the desert tomorrow"i told her emptying my drink,
she shook her head in a
'm mmmm',"really,not even when i talk elijah to going out with you?i know how big your crush for him is"
what a sweet talk...
her eyes lit.
"thats an exception"she said,"elijah is so fucking hot,are you seriously gonna do that for me",she dreamly thought of them.
i rolled my eyes, "daaah,for the desert bitch",she laughed.

Elijah Laroi had just joined school two days ago.he was so attractive and just like all the other bitches in school,i also had a crush on him,but just couldnt admit it.
he was just so perfect,
tall,short dark brown hair,thick eyebrows,
hazel green eyes,cute dimples on his cheeks, deep sexy timber voice,
piercing on one ear,
well toned,he carried
himself with style and authority.
apparently,he was victor's distant and i had not wasted any time in stocking him.

Victor Callon was the football king in school,topping the list of the cutest guys in school.his gang followed behind,Ethan Johnson,also in football and school's president,Kyle Tacker, victor's bestfriend and ethans cousin,Derek Mason and Calvin King, the kings of basket ball in school.
i could swear our school had the hottest guys and i was so happy to be there.

"how exactly are you gonna pull that?"she asked playing with her
hair.i shrugged.
"well,tomorrow some math classes are being shuffled,and am really hoping i get shuffled to his class"i said.
"fuck,i regret not taking math class now"
she said painfully,i giggled.
"al tell him that you have a crush on him and to go out with you in exchange for the desert"
you'd think it'd be as easy as i was saying it.

"hmmm,ok.its a deal then,al be waiting"
she said biting her nail and stood to get her phone from the study room.
kim had no doubts in me because she actually knew my plan would pull through.i mean,all my plans usually pulled through, school,kim and i were among the lowkey cool kids.almost everyone liked us.especially me,i personally interracted and hanged out with everyone.we were famous for being cool,polite and good.i did swimming for sports and was actually among the best swimmers for the was a cheerleader for the football team.we were fashion gurus and everyone basically liked us.

last year kim and kyle were a couple because of ME,my good smart short,she really didnt know how to talk to guys.
they broke up though during the summer,
kim had told me that kyle had cheated on her with vanessa.
Vanessa Ardish,was a cheerleader,best friend
to Anitta Rowland,the school's head cheerleader and the non-identical twins, Kendal and Chloe Charlotte.
the four were a click.

"its getting late kim,i gotta go,see you tomorrow in school"
i said getting up,we had just watched one
season of keeping up with the kardashians while talking about the guys.
"ok,bye boo.say hi to yo mom and tell her i said thankyou again"
i smiled as we did our routine hug.
"no worries,al call you at around eleven"i said as we walked to the door.she nodded.that was usually our gossip hour."greet yo parents and little melody for me"
Melody was her little sister,she was in grade four but in another school,across town.
"ok,bye.get out"she said as we hugged one last time.i had no car so i just took an uber home.


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