Will you be my Valentine?

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Niall was your typical preppy, full of school spirit kind of guy. So much he was voted "most school spirited" in his senior class. The epiphany of your preppy full of pep boy. He was involved in everything. You name it, he was in it. Sports, committees, leadership, everything.

  Senior class president too. He was also club president in almost every single club. He was overly in love with the whole "highschool experience" and wanted to make sure everyone else had a great 4 years of highschool as well.

And with school spirit came the overly exaggerated Niall, especially when it came to spirit week. God that was his favorite. He was a little upset when he found out Valentine's day would be on a Saturday this year but then remembered spirit week fell on the same week and thought, why not celebrate Valentine's day one day earlier?

  Of course Niall was going to plan something huge for that day. He thought about a dance but the rally was already taking place, maybe a picnic, but then again February was still a cold month. So what would he do?

Then, it hit him. Of course Niall was also president of the art club, and thought why not have the club make Valentine's day cards? Perfect he thought.

  So he gathered his 30-something members of the art club after school and set them all to make some cards. He was so excited this was going to be so great.

After a little less than an hour Niall told the club to walk around campus and slip the cards inside random lockers. And so they did.

  Niall made about 10 cards and began randomly walking around campus and slipping the cards through the little cracks in the lockers. He wasn't choosy because although he loved everyone and everyone loved him, he didn't really have a certain someone.

A couple minutes later he had only one card left and looked around to a set of lockers, trying to decide where he would leave it, he couldn't decide so he closed his eyes and moved his hand randomly, to which wherever he was pointing at was where he was going to leave the card, no matter who's locker, he promised himself.

  And so on the count of 3 he opened his eyes and stared at to where he was pointing at. As quick as his smile was on his face, it disappeared when he noticed who's locker it was.

Being the know-it-all came with it's perks, if you must, of knowing almost everyone's lockers, and Niall knew for a fact who's locker this belonged too, Zayn Malik.

  Zayn wasn't a bad guy, but he most definitely wasn't a good guy either. He was the complete opposite of Niall. Full of spirit versus Total drag. All smiles versus Occasional grimace. All in all, Niall versus Zayn.

Niall had no choice however but to slip the card in, he promised himself, and Niall never broke a promise.

  So with a little hesitation, Niall slipped the card in and thought of the possible worst case scenarios. One, Zayn might only mug Niall and talk behind his back, not like he already doesn't do that. Two, Zayn might punch Niall for thinking that he has a crush on him or something.

And that was enough for Niall to regret his actions, for being to spirited.

  But Niall then looked at the pros, Zayn and him have barely talked, like at all even, they only had English together and Zayn barely even said a word. So hey, maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

Niall always looked at the good in things and just thought Zayn was misunderstood and just needed a little bit of love, that maybe, just maybe Niall's card would produce.

  Niall didn't hate Zayn, just thought he was a bit different, but in a good way because Zayn didn't look bad at all, his features looked soft even, like he was actually a caring person, and he wasn't bad looking either, Niall thought he looked like one of those guys every girl wanted, and every girl didwant him.

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