Dream World

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Once there was girl who lived in her own world of dreams. She was like a doll clothed in fluttering frills and laces. Then one day she met a prince. Their encounter seemed to be fate as she soon fell in love with him...

She become pregnant with her beloved's child. It was like a dream come true. But during her 15 winter...

Her prince suddenly disappeared. And just like that time ceased to flow for her. She passed everyday crying while thinking about her prince. She shuddered as she looked at her ugly looking stomach which grew bigger day by day.

Even if she kept punching it in....

It wouldn't lay flat like the way it was before and it swelled even bigger. And so she became a mother. But that was a horrible dream to her. The milk, the diapers, the afternoon naps...

The reality of motherhood was so much different than from playing house. She became irritated. Even if she threw that small warm thing to the floor.. She still couldn't wake up from the nightmare.

Little bye little, she went MAD. She punished the little innocent child... behind her kind parent's and brother's back. It was as if she was performing the ceremonial rites to return her dream world.

The poor child thought that it was his fault for not listening to his dear mother, and begged for forgiveness.... He prayed for that. He thought that her raising her hand to him was out of a mother's affection. He believed that. He prayed fot that.

But that beautiful and sweet little girl... while laughing like a demon, straddled him like a horse and then.... Stabbed him with a knife...

After that she forgot everything and went back to her dream world. She never came back ever since.

Collections of sad stories...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon