There was once a girl named Milly who was in a dance club where they would post their dances on tik tok. One day Milly and her two friends were learning a new dance when Milly was late on the timing and got some of the moves wrong. The girls kicked Milly out of the club. Meanwhile Milly's dad saw how sad it made his daughter so he tried to learn the dance. He got better and better. Soon after he mastered the dance and went to show Milly. Milly was so impressed and they filmed the time tok. A few days went by and Milly went to show her dad how many likes it got. They had so many followers. The next day in school and the two girls who kicked her out of the group.
They wanted to do a dance for followers and invite her back in the club. Fortunately, Milly said"I'm honored to but I already have a dance partner" and put her arm on her dad's back.