Emma? (Chapter 1)

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Gilda/Yamaguchi's POV:
3:30pm. Me and Don are picking up the younger kids from school, First we go to Cascade Middle School, then Hazel Valley Elementary, "Gilda! Nat's Being annoying!" Anna yelled from a distance, I giggled as they always annoy each other, "Not true! You laughed at me!" Nat yelled back, "Don, can you call Conny and tell her we're gonna be there in around 15 minutes?" I asked, (Yes i know conny is dead but like i couldn't think of another name, so shes alive for this story) "Yeah sure" He replied, "Conny, we'll be there in around 15 minutes so get the younger kids ready, okay?" and he hung up, "Hey Gilda, do you think Sonju and Mujika are okay?" Nat asked me, "You do remember we helped them have peace in the demon world right? They're okay, and we visit them." I replied.

--T I M E S K I P--

Don/Tooru's POV:
3:50pm. Gilda was being kinda sad, but the kids were extremely hungry and so were we, I'll have to ask them when we get home. I thought, "You guys! What do you wanna eat? It's Friday so we could get pizza?" Gilda had asked, suddenly I got a call from Ray, "Yo Don I have a question, my teammate from Volleyball want to sleep over at our place, is that possible?" he asked from over the phone, "hm, sure. But hide your tag number from them." I replied, "Got to go, love you guys." He quickly said, im guessing his teammates were being annoying again, "Let's get pizza!!" Nat, Anna, Conny, and Phil had all yelled, they other kids nodding and screaming yes to agree.

--T I M E S K I P--
(I'm low on ideas sorry-)
7:25pm. "Hurry! We gotta hide our numbers!" I yelled, quickly putting foundation on my neck and the younger kids doing the same thing, Gilda and Ray had already covered their necks and had gone out to buy the pizzas for the kids, "Done!" most of the younger kids had said, i had just finished so we just had to get the kids 7-10 into bed, so we got the kids put them in their pajamas and put them into a sound proof room, we needed them to sleep. "Don!! Conny!! Phil!! We got the pizzas!!" Ray had yelled from the door, as I walked to help put the pizzas down someone with black and yellow-ish hair walked behind him, "Ray? Who's the blondie?" I asked then realizing how rude i sounded, "UH! Gomen!" I quickly said after, Ray chuckled "Don, this is Kenma, Kenma, this is Don or as you know him, Tooru Oikawa." Kenma huh? Thats a pretty decent name "Holy shit you live with Oikawa? Isn't that Shoyo's teamate?" Kenma had asked, "Uh yeah thats Tadashi, you can call me Don, that's Carol, Lana, Conny, Phil, and most the other kids are sleeping." I told him, "Hi! I'm Conny! Want some pizza?" Conny had pretty much yelled "Don't scream please" Kenma had said with his hands over his ears "Gomen Kenma, so your teamates with Oni-chan?" Phil had asked him.

------TIME SKIP------

Kenma's POV:
I knew Kuroo had a lot of siblings but I didn't know he had this many, Conny is kinda loud but she's nice, Phil is a little hyperactive but still nice, Carol looked extremly young compaired to the other kids but she was still calm, Lana was less loud but a lot more hyper than the others. Oikawa was nice for the most part but I don't know why they call him Don, because I heard some people call him Tooru but its fine, Tadashi is cool, the younger kids call him Gilda which I don't understand, all of them are called names I never hear them be called, Oikawa is being called Don, Yamaguchi is being called Gilda, Kuroo is being called Ray, and pretty much everyone tenses up when fire comes into subject.

675 words.
I'll make chapter 2 tommorow cuz iys 11:15 on a school night and im lowkey tired. I also messaged most of the myct but none answered so far so we'll see tommorow
Klaus is out! 🤘😎

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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