~Chapter 1~

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 "Vicky!" mother called from the kitchen. " You're gonna be late for school, sweetie!" mother called again. "Ugh....."she muttered under her breath. She stormed up to my room and yelled "Victoria Allen Saber!!! I'm going to call your father! Get up right this minute" My eyes drooped as I opened them. I glanced at my phone. 6:55 am...... WHAT I thought. I scrambled out of bed and ran to my balcony to see if my bus was here. " Nope..... Phew" I whispered to myself relieved. I grabbed my wand and quickly said " Change me quick, Change me fast. Change me so I won't be last!!!". A whirl of wind changed me into my uniform. It was a short navy blue dress with my name and badges that I've earned. I walked over to my drawer and pulled out the necklace my grandmother gave and I quickly wore it. The necklace was a beautiful sapphire carved into a rose with a tiny bow at the top. "Vicky!" a familiar voice called from outside.

"Hey, Brittany. You ready for school, yet!" I waved. "Yeah!!! You're gonna be late again! Let's go, I want you to meet my brother!" She replied.

"You have a BROTHER! Why didn't you tell me? Wow, I'm such a terrible BFF " I asked with disbelief. Oh snap I thought."Brittany?" I asked confused. "Icy!" I called. Icy is my pet Ice Phoenix. She takes me to school whenever I'm late. When Icy came, I hopped on her blue saddle. "Wait!" said my bratty little sister, Ceilia. "What do you want, sis?" I said not even looking down. "Hi" she said and then burst into giggles. I shook my head and Icy took off. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" I called to her. "OKIE!!!!" she said and skipped away. Gods, sis is so confusing.

When I got to school Brittany and her brother were waiting for me at the basketball court. I landed in front of them. The boy next to Brittany was tall with shaggy brown hair and he was wearing the same uniform as all of us. I think he is going to the same school as us. At least he looks nice I thought smiling.

RING!!! "Uh-Oh, the second school bell just rang. '' I said, shaking myself out of daydreaming. I looked around to see if Brittany or her brother was around. I turned around and saw a black hooded figure.

"You're coming with me" said a dark voice as he took my hand.                                                               "B-but I n-need t-to go to s-school" I whispered shakely.

He got a bag and put it over my head. Then he wrapped me in rope. "AAAAHHHH" I screamed.

"Shut up, Victoria" said the dark voice.

"How do you know my name?" I asked curiously.

He didn't reply. And somehow I just slept in the weird guys' arms. As the bright early morning sun arose, the sound of birds ringing in my ear. Huh? I thought. I suddenly remembered everything.

"OMG" I gasped. "Where am I?!" I shrieked.

"You're on the beach" a voice said sarcastically.

" What? I'm not blind you know" I shot back.

"Whatever, Victoria," the voice said.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name? And also, WHY AM I HERE FOR NO REASON?!?!?! I yelled.

" Whoa, One question at a time" the voice replied.

"I refuse" I answered strongly.

"Fine" the voice said.The guy stepped into the light. It was the guy who kidnapped me.

"I know you because you're my sister's friend," he said in his normal voice. It was silent for sometime. "My name is Brandon," he suddenly said.

"Cool," I said rolling my eyes. 

" I thought you wanted to know my name, right. So I told you my name" Brandon said teasingly. He started to tickle me which made me laugh a little. When Brandon was tickling me, he reminded me of someone and then his cape came off. Brittany. She tickled me the first time I saw her, too. "Hey," I whispered. Brandon stopped tickling me and looked up. "Are you Brittany's brother?" I asked.

He sighed, backed up and said "Yes".

Everything blacked out. I mean, not literally...... I mean in my mind. Everything was spinning. "Why did you do this?" I asked, trying to keep calm.

" Because, you' re the only person who can do it," he said quietly. Tears started to swell up in his eyes and I knew he was trying to hold them back. Now I kind of felt sorry for him. "What do you need me to do?" I asked fiercely.

He wiped his tears and said "I first need you to break your necklace". "What?!" I started. "This is my grandmother's necklace, Brandon. That is the only thing I can't do" I finished.

He sighed and said "Let me tell you why Brittany didn't tell you much about her. Have you ever been to her house? Did she tell you how she gets to school?" He asked me. I shook my head. Wait a second, he's right. Brittany didn't tell me anything about where she lived at all. Or how she gets to school I thought. It started to rain real hard. Lightning flashing as bright as the sun in the summer. Thunder booming like Ceilia crying when she can't get a toy at the mall. I laughed just thinking about it.

The night was the most beautifullest thing I have ever seen. It was full of bright stars glimmering in the dark blue sky. When I was little, Father always used to bring me outside to see constellations. Father was usually always outside or at work. His work was astronomy, which was me and Celia's dream job when we are older. My favorite constellation is Andromeda. My sister's favorite is Orion

(And the only one she knows). We were still in whatever-this-places-name-was and to be honest it was a really big house or mansion or castle.

"Hey, Brandon," I said looking at him.

" Yeah, Vicky" Brandon said in a muffled voice as he shoved grilled chicken in his mouth. His personality was really different from what he said when he kidnapped me. He first sounded like an eagle rather than a little cardinal.

"Don't call me Vicky. Only my best friends do. Anyway, What is this place called?" I asked looking back at the sky.

" This is the town of Lunia," he replied swallowing his food.

" It's really pretty here," I echoed. "Hey, look! It's Andromeda," I squealed. Don't I still have my phone I thought suddenly. I checked all my pockets. "Yes! Victory! I found my PHONE!!!!" I said holding up my phone. "Yeah... What's the big deal about that" he questioned me.

"I can call Brittany! By the way, where is she?" I asked Brandon.

"She's having a sleepover with Arianna" he responded. Arianna was another one of my friends. I met her in first grade.


I Went to my phone. "HUh" I said. It was a Facetime call from Brittany. "You're roasted, bruh" yelled Brandon jokingly. " It's kinda your fault you know" I yelled back. I grabbed my phone and quickly declined it. 

GEM KEEPERS BOOK 1 ;  LOST CITY OF EMERALDWhere stories live. Discover now