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I was pacing back and forth in the hotel room while Czar sat on the edge of the bed looking at me.

"What do you mean when you say bad things ?" I said as I turned to look at him.

He sighed before gesturing towards the chair and I finally sat down and looked up at him.

"My father ruled the Russian Mafia since he was eighteen, we came to the states when I turned three, I was practically born with a target on my back. My mother wanted to keep us safe so she sent us to Private Schools with fake names. For the most part people didn't know that my father even had children. We were kept a secret." He sighed before he continued. "I had a best friend, his name was Liam. He was the only person I ever told the truth to. He knew what my dad was and what I soon would become but he still accepted me. My parents loved him, he was the only person ever allowed over because we all trusted him. When we turned 18 the truth finally got out and now everyone knew who I was. I was going to be sworn into the mafia by the end of that year. Liam was so excited for me..." He furrowed his eyebrows. "The night before my ceremony...my father was murdered in cold blood. My mother had been attacked, someone took a knife and swiped it across her face."

I thought about his mother face and the nasty scar that covered it. Suddenly feeling a huge wave of empathy for her.

"At first I had no idea who it was....until I went to see my mother in the hospital that night." His face twisted. "She told me that Liam had attacked her and killed my father. When I found out I was hurt and confused but most of all I was angry. I wanted revenge, I wanted to make him hurt the way he had made me hurt. So...I went after his girlfriend. I knew he was planning on proposing to her soon. I killed her without even thinking twice." He looked up at me for my reaction but I sat still.

"But what I didn't know was that she was pregnant...and when I found out it shattered me. If I would have known I wouldn't have laid a finger on her. Liam knew it was me, without a doubt. He told me he would get me back someday and ever since then I haven't seen or heard from him. I went down a reckless pass after that killing, robbing, I even did drugs. It wasn't until I turned 22 that I decide to clean up my act but by then I already made a name for myself. The ruthless killer." He sighed.

"So, you think this is your former best friend that's attacking us?" I asked.

"I mean it makes since. He told me he would get me back and what better way then to go after my wife."

"Yeah but you don't care about me." I said standing up now. "it would be pointless for him to kill me it will have no personal affect on you." I said.


"No! Don't Zariah me! Ever since you came into my life it has been nothing but hell! I can't stand it I can't stand it." Tears were forming at my eyes and my voice was cracking. "I-I don't deserve this."

Czar got off the bed and pulled me to his chest allowing me to cry. He was rambling something in Russian and I had no idea what he was saying but it sounded soothing.

"I'm Sorry" He said and my heart soften.

I knew that Czar was a stubborn man and for him to say sorry to me actually meant something. When I was done crying I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes, feeling a little stupid for allowing myself to be vulnerable in front of him.

I turned away from him and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. I kept thinking about how different my life would have been if my father wasn't such a gambling addict. I wanted to cry again but it would just be pointless. I splashed water on my face and then patted it dry before I exited the bathroom.

Czar was packing bags and I stared at him confused.

"We have to go." He said.

"We only been here for two days." I said.

"Zariah, I can't protect you if my men are in a different country. No one knows me here they don't give a damn, and its clear that Liam is tracking our location so we have to go." He explained.

I understood where he was coming from but I was bothered by the fact that I wouldn't be able to enjoy more of Bora Bora. I grabbed my bag and began to pack, maybe when I was back in the mansion I will feel safer. There was guards at almost every corner anyways.

Czar's phone began to ring and he immediately answered it. He began talking in Russian and I knew that there was no point in trying to understand the conversation. I finished packing my bags and I finished packing Czar's too since he was still on the phone.

I put a sunhat and sun glasses on to try and mask my appearance. When Czar finally got off the phone he grabbed the bags and we exited the hotel. The lady at the front desk was confused as Czar told her we were checking out early.

"But here it says that you've booked the room for two weeks, it's only been two days." She said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Something's come up." Czar said harshly obviously getting annoyed now.

"I understand." She said as she took the keys from him.

Czar seemed to be in a rush as he threw our bags into the rental car and ordered me to get in which I did without saying anything. The car ride was dead silent but the way that Czar was clenching onto the steering wheel I just knew he was thinking about something that was making him angry. I said nothing as I stared out the window and bit my lip nervously, times like this I would want to call my mom and tell her everything I was feeling but that wasn't an option now.

"When we get back home you aren't allowed to go anywhere without me." Czar finally said,

"Trust me, I wouldn't want to." I said quietly.


The plane ride was just as quiet as the car ride and when we finally landed I was completely jet legged. When we got off the plane there was at least twenty men in suits waiting for us, each of them had a hand gun. I looked around.


"It's for your protection." He told me.

Two men guided us the the limbo and we quickly climbed in. I wondered what will happen once we were home. Czar has been on edge all day, every since he told me about Liam. I just can't understand why Liam would want to come after me, only if he knew that I was forced to marry Czar. Maybe he would spare my life.

We arrived back home and when we walked into the living room Lada, Annika, Anderi, and Irina were all waiting for us.

"Ugh, thank god you're okay." Lada said as she walked over and pulled me into a warm hug.

"Okay, enough of that." Czar said now serious. "Liam is back."

"What do you mean he's back?" Anderi said.

"I mean he's back and he's after Zariah."

Everyone turned to look at me and I looked down at my feet.

"Well then lets just kill the little fucker. Like you should've done years ago." Lada said.

"He has people working for him now, it's not going to be easy." Czar said. "Until then this house will be on complete lockdown. If Zariah is to leave the house it has to be with one of you. No random outings without me knowing."

"She's not a child, Czar." Lada said.

"I know she's isn't but im trying to protect her!" He snapped. "Now, get the hell out. All of you."

They all looked at each other.

"I said get out!" He yelled once again before rushing up the stairs.

"I guess we should go before he loses it." Lada said. "Don't worry Zairah, we won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

I really hope so.


Yay! Another update. I hope you all enjoyed. Don't forget to comment, vote and share. Until next time my lovelies.

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