Souls of the damned

427 13 2

Springtrap's P.O.V

"Hey Golden Bonnie, wanna hear a secret?" I say to the stuffed Bonnie in front of me. Yeah, I know. I'm talking to a stuffed toy. It's better than talking to myself. I take the toy in my hands and hold his ear close to my mouth and whisper in his ear, even though he can't hear me. Its nice having someone, or in my case something, to talk to every once in a while.

"I was not always like this." I whisper. I hug the plushie tightly and lay down on the floor. I then close my eyes and start to fall asleep. But after a minute or two, I hear something that stops me from sleeping. Something that's been bugging me for years. Whispers.

Springtrap, rise and shine... Springtrap, rise and shine...

'Ugh, not again'


I open my eyes to see a firmilliar sight. Six little ghosts hovering over me, four boys and two girls, each with black tears running down from their pale white eyes. Bowties and top hates, eyepatches and hooks, bibs and buttons. Every once in a while they come out of their animatronic shells to torment me until the sun rises. And since there isn't a newly hired security guard for them to kill, they have nothing better to do tonight.

"You six again. Here to rub the fact that I'm practically dead in my face?" I say sitting upright and putting the plushie down next to me.

Wow, you're smart bunny aren't you? I'm surprised you're just as bored as we are.

"Oh Freddy, you guys have been doing this to me for almost a year. What do you expect? I mean I was terrified at first but I got used to it." I tell him.

We can see that. But that isn't the only reason we're here.

"Then please Chica, tell me. I would love to know why you bothered to come out of your animatronic bodies and not torment me tonight." I say sarcastically.

Gladly. But first, ye remember when ye destroyed our bodies and left us lonely spirits?

"Uh, yeah, the worst night of my life. What do you take me for Foxy?" I say folding my arms.

An idiot really. If you didn't kill us in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess, and you would still be the man you were before.

"Oh really Bonnie?" I say closing my eyes half way.

Hey Freddy, should we tell him what happened last night?

Oh, yeah. Good idea puppet. That's the perfect way to make him suffer for what he did to us.

"Huh? W-What are you talking about?" I ask them. I'm starting to worry about what they said. The last time they said something like that I couldn't sleep for a month. But maybe they're bluffing. Maybe whatever they're gonna tell me isn't as bad as I think it might be.

There's a certain kid that we paid a visit to last night. He was having a bad dream so we decided to try make things better for him. However...

He died Springtrap. Because of you. 

"W-What!?" Goldie, you're kidding right? All of you know that killing isn't what I do anymore." I say nervously. Who could this kid be? It might be one of the spirits before I killed them. But the question is, who?

It's no joke bunny boy, after all the effort he went through to come here after hours, you went ahead and killed him.

Wait, after hours? That sounds like someone firmilliar. It might've been Charlotte, but she wasn't trying to sneak in. She was shut out of the place. And everyone else was killed during work hours. Who are they...

"I'm not playing around with you, who was that kid? TELL ME!" I scream standing up, my hands balling into fists. The six spirits giggle maniacally before answering me.

You remember that kid that came here to see you, right?

"Drake?" Then the realization hits me and my eyes widen. "Wait, no. No, that can't be right! He's my friend! Why would I..."

Congrats, you figured it out.

And you're right, he was your friend. So why did you kill him Springtrap?

"No, this must be some kind of mistake. I would never kill him." I say, tears forming in my eyes.

We tried to help him.

We could have saved him.

But you just couldn't help yourself could you?

Their voices got louder and louder, their words repeating in my head. Over and over. It came to a point where I couldn't even hear their actual voices talking to me directly.

"NO! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! I DON'T BELIEVE ANY OF YOU! THESE ARE ALL LIES! NOTHING BUT LIES!" I say, holding the sides of my head. I drop to the ground on my knees try to keep their voices out of my head, tears falling down my face as I do.

You don't deserve to call him your friend.

You'll only hurt him the same way you hurt us.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! HES MY FRIEND! I WOULD NEVER KILL HIM! NEVER!" I scream, then an image of who I think is Drake looking at me flashes in my head. His eyes turn pitch black with nothing but white dots in the middle. He starts to cry black tears that run all the way down his body. He stats to float off the ground, holding his stomach tightly. His head drops down, looking at the ground with a sad expression before his body turns completely white and transparent. So much that he barely has any features anymore. He looks up at me again, with an expression if pure sadness and pain,before whispering words I regret hearing.

"Its your fault I'm like this. You did this to me. You took me away from my friends, my family. I hate you Springtrap." He then started to disappear but not before I hear him whisper those words again. "I hate you..."

"No, its not my fault. I didn't do that, I would never." I say crying uncontrollably.

Poor Springtrap. Now you know what we felt when you killed us.

We'll leave you alone for now. You've clearly gone through enough suffering.

I almost feel sorry for you.

"Just go away. Disappear like you did on that night, as I felt my life drifting away. Leave me alone you damn ghosts." I say, tears falling down my eyes. I open my eyes after a while, only to find that they're gone. I wipe away the tears, realizing that I'm all alone again, with only Golden Bonnie to keep me company. I pick up the plushie and hold it tightly to my chest. Out of all the ways that those spirits made me suffer in the past, that was one of the worst. I just hope that I can get to sleep after all that. And hopefully drake isn't gonna die the same fate those spirits did.


Hey guys. Yeah I know, its been about a month. At least I got the chapter done. I have no good excuse for you guys this time so feel free to send any comments that might hurt me internally. I hope the next chapter domes out a bit earlier, but until then goodbye.

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