sambriel and destiel in the impala

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Dean Winchester had been driving all day; and now, all night. He had his angel to his right and his brother on his six. Hitching a ride was the Archangel, Gabriel, whom happened to be in love with his brother, Sam. He didn't mind that an angel was in love with his brother and that his brother was in love with him. It was good to have an extra angel watching your back.

Gabriel had drifted off to sleep a long time ago; well at least, he thought he was sleep. Dean wasn't even sure if Angels slept, Castel never stayed over long enough to fall asleep. He made a mental note to ask Cas about it later; but it looked like Gabriel was sleeping in the rear view mirror. That is until he heard a moan. Well it could have been a snore or Sam could have been turning in his sleep. Oh no, it was a moan. He heard someone slurping.

Dean pulled his precious impala off the road as fast as freaking hell and turned in his set. Yep, he was right. Gabriel was sucking off his brother in the backseat of his car while he was driving!

"What the hell are you doing pervert?" Dean tried to kick open the door so he could start throwing punching at that freaking trickster. However, the car wasn't opening like it was suppose too. One of those freaking angels was using mojo on him and he wasn't sure which one.

"Oh, Deano, it's not like you've never gotten any while your brother was in the car with you," the Trickster angel said to him.

"NO, never." The car went uncomfortably silent as everyone stared at him. "Well, he was asleep!"

Sam chuckled darkly to himself. "No, Dean, I wasn't asleep."

"Well that's not the point Sammy!"

"The point is Deano that your brother needs to enjoy this backseat like you have," Gabriel said snuggling a little too close to Sam for Dean's liking.

"Dean, it's late." Cas spoke. The three turned to give him attention. "Whatever we are going to do; we need to do it now."

"Cas, uhm," Dean wasn't even sure what he was supposed to say to his angel. "What?"

"It's the middle of the night, we need somewhere to stay or we need to get off the road. You and your brother need some sleep," Leave it to Cas to completely miss the point of the whole argument and bring up a completely separate issue. But it was true. It was late and they were in the middle of nowhere with nowhere to go or stay.

"I have an idea," Gabriel said. "We could all sleep in the car."

"Ha, I don't think we'll fit comfortably," Sam replied.

"Sweetie, I didn't say anything about sleeping," He winked.

"Oh no, you are not getting it on with my brother while I can see and hear you!" Dean yelled.

"Oh Deano, you are never any fun."

"Either way, we need to make a decision. Sleep here or drive until we get to the next city?" Cas replied calm and collective as usual.

"Fine," Dean said. "We'll sleep here. But no and I mean no hanky-panky back there, you hear me?"

Sam and Gabriel both broke out laughing. It was hard not too; especially when Dean Winchester uses a word like hanky-panky.

Sleeping in the impala was not the best idea Dean Winchester had ever had; but at least he was warm. He was covered by Cas and his trench coat. "I guess angels do sleep," he thought to himself. "Thank God!"

Oops, Dean thanked him too soon, because he heard some ruckus in the backseat. He was not thrilled to look over to see what was going on. He didn't really have too because he saw a hand come down and grip the back of the front seat. It was Gabriel's because his brother did not have those manicure hands! Then he heard what sounded like a muffled groan. Oh damn, really they were going to do that while he and his angel were in the front seat.

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