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Logans POV

It was just another boring Tuesday afternoon. Bridget, I think her name was just left, leaving me fully satisfied. Then I heard the roar of my father's voice, "Logan! In my office! Now!" His office is all the way downstairs, on the other side, and I can hear him clearly. Well, he is an alpha, so I wouldn't be surprised. I bet this is another one of those. 'You're gonna be alpha soon' conversations.

I walked into his office, seeing him sitting at his desk leaning his forehead into his hand, looking aggravated. "What?" I responded.

"Did you bring a girl in here?"

I shrugged, "yeah so?"

"I have had it with you Logan."

"I didn't even do anything."

"You need to get straightened out."

"I'm as straight as anyone could ever get." I laughed.

He stood, "This is not play time. Logan, you're gonna be alpha soon, and you need to stop running through girls, and grow up. Take responsibility. You haven't even turned yet. Besides, you can't run a pack without someone by your side. It's a tradition in our pack for centuries. Seeing as how you treat women, I decided to take matters into my own hands."

What the hell does he mean?, "Wait, you're not worried about me turning, but you're worried about getting the next Luna?!"

"I don't know what to do with you. You need to calm down, and take it easy. I say go left, and you go right. I say up, and you go down. So..." He paused for a moment. What does he think he's doing? " I've arranged a mate for you. She would be an excellent Luna."

Whoa! Nobodies tying me down! " You think some bitch is gonna ' straighten me out' ?"

He was in my face now, "I WILL NOT take that tone from you. What's done is done, so deal with it." He moved away, and walked over back to his desk.

"What happens if I find my real mate afterwords?" What the hell does he expect me to do!?

"It'll be too late then. We all know you can't keep your pants zipped."

He may be right. But jeez. Have a little faith.

"You can't do that! You know my wolf won't want to live without her!"

I slowly looked up at me, "Then so be it."

I turned, and left the room, knocking his door over. I may not be a wolf yet, but I did have some strength.



This is my first day at my new school. I just wanna start over. I went to the office, and got my schedule. I got my locker and lock code. On my way to finding my locker, I saw a guy and girl making out in a corner. He looked amazing! I mean, he looked, very, very... very good! But he was a man whore. I don't really dig those types. The girl he was kissing was a bleached blonde. She wore too much make up, and wore trampy clothes my mother most definitely wouldn't approve of!

I just ignored them, and went ahead. I found my locker. Number 375. I unlocked my locker.

"I spot a new student."

I heard a voice, I turned around, and didn't see anything. I turned to my left, and I saw a boy there. He was very attractive, but I didn't know this boy. He was probably like the other one. Man whore. "What's it to you?" I returned somewhat rudely.

He... smiled? "Nothing at all. My names Nate by the way."

He held out his hand waiting for me to shake it, "Hi Nate." I turned back to my locker assorting my things.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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