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To: My Hin 💙

A handsome young man is waiting for you outside.

Just then, Tay saw the curtain moved and New peeked. After a few seconds, he received a message.

From: My Hin 💙

Where is he? I just saw you.

Instead of replying, he called him instead. Two rings and New picked up the call.

"Can you please just go outside now, Hin?"

New laughed, "Fine, fine. Let me just fix myself."

"No need. I love you already. No need to doll up for me."

"Excuse me, Mr. Tay Tawan. I'm not going to doll up. I'm just going to remove my apron and go out. I'll hang up now."

When New went outside holding a tupperware and a big water jug, Tay can't help but smile from ear to ear. He doesn't have to run now. He can admire his boyfriend now in a close range.

When New was already in an arm's length, he extended his two arms, gesturing to New to let him carry the things he was holding, which the latter complied. He then hugged Tay tightly and with his head resting on his shoulder, he asked, "I've missed you, badly. You sure you don't want to go inside? Mint's in her room anyway."

"No," Tay answered in a gentle way, "I would not be comfortable there."

New straightened up and put his hands on Tay's shoulder as he said sarcastically, "So, you're more comfortable sitting in the gutter instead?"

Tay started to lead New as he responded, "Yup! As I said, it's our thing now. I'm willing to sit in all this dirt just to be with you."

Once they settled down, New took the water jug and asked Tay to lay out his hands. As he washed them, he said, "I made you sugar-free Chocolate Almond Cups. I went home as early as I can so I can make them for you."

Tay smiled at New sweetly. He missed this, him being taken care of. He then opened the container and took one piece of the dessert. He took a bite and looked at New with his eyes wide open. With his mouth full, he exclaimed, "Oh my God, Hin! I didn't expect it to be this good! I mean, you said it would be sugar-free so I thought it would be bland or something but it isn't! It's so good!"

He fed New with the remaining dessert in his hand. "So what prompted you to make sugar-free goodies now? You never did this even when P'Jack asked you to lessen your intake of sweets."

"Well, Mint has been craving sweets, especially Snicker bars, lately but the doctor said she should avoid submitting to these cravings otherwise her sugar would spike up. So, I thought of an alternative. I actually woke up so early in the morning today to make her brownies. Good thing she liked it." New explained happily.

Tay watched him as he talked, and he can't help but feel jealous towards Mint. You're doing things now you don't do before. He, however, tried to suppress his feelings as he doesn't want this night with his boyfriend to be ruined.

"That's good, then." He answered shortly.

"How about you, Te? How was your day?"

"Hmmm, I met with a few people today. We discussed my upcoming series. Oh, have I told you already that I'm going to be partnered with Lee Thanat? You know him, right? You worked with him before, as I recall."

Of course, I know Lee, that son of a bitch. New thought. "Yeah, I know Lee. I worked with him before. Why was he the one chosen for the role?"

"Oh, K'Aof said that he's the best actor in the BL industry, and your award-winning actor of a boyfriend deserves the best." Tay bumped his shoulders lightly against New's while he bragged.

New returned the action and said, "Of course you deserve the best. That's why you have me, right?" He looked at Tay, wiggling his eyebrows up and down

"Ohooo! Look who's bragging!"

"Hey, you bragged first!" New timidly punched Tay's left shoulder.

They both laughed with the exchange. Tay took another dessert from the container. He held New's chin and the other automatically opened his mouth. He had him take a bite and ate the remaining.

"By the way, Hin. We will be going to Chiang Mai for the first few parts of the filming. The rest, we will shoot here in Bangkok. But that would be for a few more months. Now, I'm just going to undergo workshops and script reading with Lee to establish our chemistry and to build our rapport."

"Is that your way of asking me to a lot more gutter dates since you will be gone for a while?"

Tay showed his gummy smile, "You know me well."

"Of course, I do." New pecked him on the lips.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Hin. Arm is asking if we can hang out now. All of us - Off, Gun, Arm, You, and I. No need to spend it somewhere public. We can hold it in our apartment. Would that be okay with you?"

New gave him a side-look, "Did Arm really ask that? Or you're just using him? Hmmm?"

"Hey! He really did ask! He missed you, too, you know! He wants a reunion."

"Reunion? Tsk. It's not like I was gone for a long time! Plus he and Off attended the wedding!"

New regretted saying that as soon it came out of his mouth.

"I wasn't there, Hin." Tay just gave him a subtle smile.

New held onto his arm like a koala and buried his face on his shoulder, "Sorryyyy."

Tay smiled and ruffled his hair, "You're cute. I love you."

New lifted up his head and faced Tay, "I love you, too."

He leaned in and kissed Tay, which the latter returned. They made out until they had to stop to catch their breaths.

They spent the night talking and kissing until New made Tay go home so he could catch some sleep.

Once he got inside the house, he washed the dishes he used and moved to his room. He waited until Tay texted him that he got home already. Once he did, he put down his phone and tried to sleep. However, he is having a hard time to do so as he is bothered with Lee.

He reminisced on his past. He and Lee had a hosting gig before while he and Mint were still a 'thing'. He liked him at first. They were friends for a while until they were not anymore. Lee is actually open with his friends about his sexuality and how he has a crush on Tay. So he got jealous of New when the latter got the role they both auditioned for, which was Tay's best friend in the series Fate Intertwined. He suddenly just would not talk to New anymore and avoided him at all cost. He even manipulated their other friends just so they would be mad at him, too. It was a good thing Off was not that close with Lee and he stayed friends with New, and through him, he met his best friend Gun, and the love of his life, Tay.

Now that Tay would be acting alongside Lee, he believes that Lee would definitely seize the opportunity. He just prays his boyfriend will not fall into his trap.

Of course, he did not tell Tay any of this. Now it shows that there's actually a benefit to Tay's obliviousness. If I didn't tell him I liked him before, he would not have the guts to ask me to be his boyfriend. Tsk. New smiled at the thought.

No, Lee, you're not taking my man away from me.


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