A warm welcome

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Greetings earthly creature!

I am Memo,
an estranged  being from planet  Jupiter.

Wondering why I can speak  your  language?


I am blessed with the talent to help you read  my mind. Sound absurd, right?
But, No.
I am not joking. 

Right  now,
as you are reading this, 
you are stepping inside my mind's castle or as a known detective  fiction charcter calls it—a 'mind palace'.

Whence, hear ye.

You stumbled upon here because you were called forth by a power greater than all of us. A force we can't escape from.
In your planet,  people call it "fate".

My warm welcome to you human. I hope  you stay for a while and take a sneak peak at my budding castle.

It's a place full of random stuffs you can't  help but, just explore it.
Dive to rainbow bridges and sleep under blankets of constellations. Drown at the depths of a weary soul and swim at an ocean of euphoria and candies.

I assure you, earthly being,
it'll be worth the try.


Memo of Planet Jupiter

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