Chapter One

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"Nearly home girls" Dad said looking in the rear view mirror. I glanced up and away again sighing. I looked out the window staring into the distance. Another new place, another town, starting over - yet again. "The beach looks great" Sammi called, my older sister. She is perfect. Perfect hair, perfect make up, perfect social skills, the lot. "How far is the house from here Dad?" I continued reading my book not showing much interest. "45 minutes or so Sammi".

"Welcome to Beacon Hill's" It was dark by the time we arrived. "Are you gonna say anything Eleyna or just read for the rest of your life?" I lost my place as she nudged me with her elbow. "What do you want me to say? I was finally starting to settle in and then we have to move. AGAIN!" "Settle? How many friends did you have?" Her sarcastic tone was cutting right through me. "GIRLS! Enough! It's been a long journey. Dad and I don't want to hear you two fighting. Just grab your suitcases and go inside" Mum sounded tired as she handed the keys over to Sammi. I put my book back in my bag and we all got out the car looking to our new home. It was a traditional craftsman house with a wrap around porch/deck. The front garden was neatly cut with some shrubbery under the porch. The car parked out on the street in between two trees. We were the last house on the street with more trees to the side of the building. It didn't look too bad when I compare it to some of the other places we've lived over the years. I grabbed my suitcase following Sammi inside. The kitchen sat to the left with the living room to the right and the staircase directly opposite the front door. We dragged our suitcases upstairs and of course Sammi took the bigger room. My room seemed plain. Bed in the middle with a chest of drawers opposite, the built in wardrobe on the same side as the door. I slung my suitcase in there for now, I'll deal with that later. I walked across and looked out of the window, trees. I closed the curtains, lay on the bed pulling my book out and getting lost in the story until I fell asleep.

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