chapter nineteen.

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THE SOUND OF some late 60's film playing on the TV could be heard inside the small motel room. There was an occasional snore that overlapped the movie every so often, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary as the minutes slowly ticked past. Some sunlight filtered in from the window near the door, the dusty curtains slightly opened, but not enough to let Birdie see the view of the nearly vacant parking lot. Her overstuffed duffel bag was tossed on the table in the kitchen area, clothes carelessly tossed on the floor with a set of keys nearly falling off the edge of the table. Her helmet was partially hidden under her bag, some scratches evident from where she'd had her accident many months ago.

But, a strange sound——almost like something was poking at the window——was enough to make Birdie's eyes suddenly snap open. Her back was facing the window with the blanket casually resting around her waist, her body still as she waited to see if she'd hear it again, and she did.

Her hand carefully slid under the pillow off to the side as it quietly continued, grabbing hold of her handgun. She slowly pulled it out and cocked it, pushing the blanket off of her body. She swung her legs over the edge, creeping up to the side of the window to peek out to see if she'd recognize the figure. Her eyes fell on the person as she pulled back part of the curtain, momentarily closing her eyes as she dropped her hand to her side at the sight. She reached over to the side and set the gun on the edge of the table, hastily yanking open the curtains with an annoyed expression obvious on her features, her hands on her hips.

Sam froze in the place when his eyes locked with Birdie's, breathing out a forced laugh before he gave Birdie a sheepish smile; his knife was clutched in hand and slightly jammed in the window as he'd been trying to pry it open.

Birdie groaned to herself and tossed her head back, scrunching up her nose. "Go awaaaay. It's too early for this shit."

"Just open the door, Bird," Dean said, coming up beside Sam to peek inside the motel room. It was only one day after they'd dealt with Benton, having buried him alive in a chained fridge a few miles away from his cabin——his book that detailed how he managed to live as long as he had placed directly on top of the fridge to be lost right alongside Doc Benton. They'd been headed for Bobby's during the night——after Dean called their former room only for Bela to answer with the revelation she had made a deal herself and killing them would've saved her——but when a heavy rainstorm began to pour down on them a few hours later, they decided to stop until morning since Birdie was on her bike; which, somehow, Birdie had ended up with her own room. Birdie was stunned when the boys told her about what happened with Bela, but what shocked her even more was the fact that Lilith was the one who held Dean's contract. "I'm 'bout to pee my pants out here!"

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